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IsBadStringPtr replacement

Started by ToutEnMasm, October 06, 2011, 06:52:08 AM

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Writing a secure form of strcat , i have added an address control with IsBadStringPtr.
The sample works in an executable and i put it in a library.The first call of the function don't work in the library.
reading this
Important  This function is obsolete and should not be used. Despite its name, it does not guarantee that the pointer is valid or that the memory pointed to is safe to use. For more information, see Remarks on this page.
Is anybody have write something to replace it  ?

; #########################################################################
;secure form of lstrcat as strcat_s, wcscat_s, _mbscat_s
;arguments: adress of destination buffer,size of buffer,relative position in the buffer,\
           adress of chain to copy
;return eax:Relative position of the Pointer on the zero terminated new chain
;ecx number of char copied
str_cat PROC uses esi edi  pchain1:DWORD, TailleChaine1:DWORD, position:DWORD,  pchain2:DWORD
         Local  retour:DWORD
         mov retour,0
   ;invoke IsBadStringPtr,pchain1,1 ;at least one byte TailleChaine1           ;<<<<<<<<<<<don't work in lib
   ;.if eax != 0
   ;   call erreurptr
   ;   jmp Findestrcat      
   ;invoke IsBadStringPtr,pchain2,1  ;at least one byte 
   ;.if eax != 0
   ;   call erreurptr
   ;   jmp Findestrcat      
   mov esi,pchain2
   mov edi,pchain1
   ;limit high
   .if position != 0
      mov edx,TailleChaine1
      .if edx <= position    ;= on ne peut pas rajouter le zero
         call erreur
         jmp Findestrcat
   ;nombre de caractères restants
   mov edx,TailleChaine1
   sub edx,position
   ;position de départ   
   add edi,position
   .if byte ptr [edi] != 0
      ;chercher le zero
      dec edx
      .if edx >= 1  ; 1 for the terminated zero
         inc edi
         jmp @B
         call erreur
         jmp Findestrcat         
   mov ecx,0
   dec edx
   .if byte ptr [esi] != 0
      .if edx >= 1 
         inc ecx
         jmp @B
         mov byte ptr [edi],0            
         call erreur
         jmp Findestrcat         
   mov byte ptr [edi],0
   mov eax,edi
   sub eax,pchain1            ;ecx lenght of chain added
   mov retour,eax             ;return position where to add a new chain
         mov eax,retour
   invoke MessageBox,NULL,SADR("buffer too small"),SADR("str_cat"),MB_OK
;   invoke MessageBox,NULL,SADR("Bad pointer"),SADR("str_cat"),MB_OK

str_cat endp


Well, as said on MSDN, you can not really validate a pointer. However, possible exceptions can be caught by using SEH.

thx jj... mal wieder mein Denglisch
FPU in a trice: SmplMath
It's that simple!



I have made a seh_IsBadStringPtr.
Same uasge as IsBadStringPtr .Made a read test at the adress.
return 0 :failed
         1 OK


There's an interesting blog entry on this subject: Should I check the parameters to my function?, Larry Osterman, 2004. Not surprisingly, He recommends the same technique that QWORD does,...
Another good explanation: IsBadXxxPtr should really be called CrashProgramRandomly


you could also use virtualquery on the buffer.. would give decent results


result of tests
Local memory_basic_information:MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION
invoke VirtualQuery,pchain,addr memory_basic_information,sizeof memory_basic_information
eax == 0 ;failed
else eax == number of bytes returned
;---------- not read write memory ----------
   mov eax,memory_basic_information.AllocationProtect
eax == 0 ;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Not documented,No access