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RichMasm: an editor that remembers your formatting

Started by jj2007, April 11, 2008, 11:46:58 PM

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By the way: I do use the open file dialog in RichMasm, without problems
This surely the only one problem you solve with it  :lol

To be serious , i think i will finally don't use the OFN_EXPLORER  style with a multiple files selection or made a two versions of it to avoid the problems .
Seems there is two many people who don't want to pay microsoft to have something working well.


Quote from: ToutEnMasm on July 24, 2009, 07:53:10 AM

By the way: I do use the open file dialog in RichMasm, without problems
This surely the only one problem you solve with it  :lol

To be serious , i think i will finally don't use the OFN_EXPLORER style with a multiple files selection or made a two versions of it to avoid the problems .
Seems there is two many people who don't want to pay microsoft to have something working well.

I have no problems with OFN_EXPLORER. Maybe you should consider a hook:    mov ofn.lpfnHook, HpDlg with
HpDlg proc hwnd:DWORD, uMsg:DWORD, wParam:DWORD, lParam:DWORD

For example, it is much more convenient if you can center the file dialog, enlarge it vertically, and select the detailed listview instead of the standard crap view supplied by Microsoft... and it doesn't crash:


Your openfilename dialog box is whithout the internet explorer style.She is standard.

The   OFN_EXPLORER style show five buttons  in the left panel .This allow to go to the desktop,the recent documents and so on.
My problem is to know exactly which conditions are needed to show that.The comctl32.dll (version 6.02) seem needed if i remember well the first time i have encountered the problem.


Quote from: ToutEnMasm on July 24, 2009, 11:07:33 AM
Your openfilename dialog box is whithout the internet explorer style.She is standard.


The   OFN_EXPLORER style show five buttons  in the left panel .This allow to go to the desktop,the recent documents and so on.
My problem is to know exactly which conditions are needed to show that.The comctl32.dll (version 6.02) seem needed if i remember well the first time i have encountered the problem.

> desktop,the recent documents
For non-coding documents, the left panel might be useful. I chose not to use it.


Your source can show the style,he had no effect because .....Something is missing ....
in the resource.


Quote from: ToutEnMasm on July 24, 2009, 12:39:25 PM

Your source can show the style,he had no effect because .....Something is missing ....
in the resource.

I don't use a resource file. The recent docs is not "missing", it is deliberately omitted because I never use it.


I stumbled into a strange phenomenon, most probably "by design":

- imagine you have a small edit control (e.g. a find box) with style ES_MULTILINE or ES_AUTOHSCROLL
- you write some text, then hit Enter
- now what could be easier than an invoke SendMessage, hFind, WM_GETTEXT, 99, ptr2buffer?

You are up for a surprise if and only if your text is larger than the edit control's width. In that case, what you get is not "MyLooongText" but rather 13, 10, "MyLooongText" ... and of course, the find box will not find anything.

That bugdesign feature has driven me crazy for some time, but since I found out yesterday night by accident that it was linked to the length of the text, a solution was near:

invoke SendMessage,  hFind, EM_SETSEL, 0, 0 ; prevents deletion of current
invoke SendMessage,  hFind, EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0 ; selection and insertion of CrLf

If you have a current version of RichMasm, test it with the Find box. Afterwards, you may download the new version from the top of this thread :wink


Update: MasmBasic added, plus minor improvements of the editor itself. Download the package from the top of the MasmBasic thread.



On XP SP3 RichMasm from MasmBasic package throws an error on startup like this:
Fatal error:
GetLastError (line ??):

The handle is invalid.

Is there any way to fix this? Becouse now i can't run it totally. Thank you.
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Quote from: juozas on May 01, 2011, 10:11:48 PM
On XP SP3 RichMasm from MasmBasic package throws an error on startup like this:
Fatal error:
GetLastError (line ??):

The handle is invalid.

Is there any way to fix this? Becouse now i can't run it totally. Thank you.

Thanks for the feedback, juozas. I am using XP SP2, so that might be the culprit. Could you please test the attached debug version? Extract to \masm32\RichMasm\richmasm.exe and tell me which error line.
Thanks :U

P.S.: Note that the MasmBasic library works also with QEditor or good ol' Notepad etc - but using RichMasm is convenient because you can e.g. select Open and press F1 to get help on the Open command. There are also numerous keyboard shortcuts, such as deb for the powerful debug macro.

EDIT: Please test the new attachment. Most probably, when using the original MasmBasic archive, you did not use the "use folder names" options of your unzipper and/or you did not extract to the Masm32 root folder. The MasmBasic/RichMasm package relies on being installed to \masm32\RichMasm\ and \masm32\MasmBasic\
More specifically, the editor should sit in \masm32\RichMasm\RichMasm.exe


Yes, I extracted it with subfolders where it should reside, becouse I'm using 7-zip. It always extracts where files should be without problem, and, yes, RichMasm resides on \masm32\RichMasm.
Will try the debug version then.

Edit: Now it shown
File not found:
D:\masm32\RichMasm\Res\RecentFiles.ini not found!

Try to move RichMasm.exe to its native folder, i.e. to

As i did not update MasmBasic

Screenshot Attached
Edit: Created a RecentFiles.ini with contents of full path to some file, now it works :)
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Thanks a lot, Jouzas. I don't know at what point that bug crept in, but it needed to be fixed. New version posted here is OK, it will create the ini files if needed.