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Beginner <--- thats me!

Started by Artoo, March 04, 2005, 12:06:29 PM

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Ok, I feel so silly for asking such a basic question, but here goes.

Say I have a RadASM project with 2 asm files, one.asm and two.asm.

How do I set up the project so that when press the build button, one.asm assembles into one.obj, and two.asm assembles into two.obj

I dont want to "include two.asm" inside one.asm.

Should I be chaning the project options?   Assemble: 3,O,$B\ML.EXE /c /coff /Cp /nologo /I"$I",2
What is "3,O,$B" and ",2"

Please help.....


There is an option "Assemble all Modules" in the make menu for that. This assembles all the *.asm files to *.obj.

$B is the binary folder that you have set from the menu 'Option-Set Paths'. The numbers ",2" etc are the project specific files, that can be changed from the 'Project->Main Project Files'.


When I select "Assemble Modules" it doesnt do anything.

Do I have to put the asm files into a modules group?


oops, doesn't seem to work no matter what i change it to. There's probably bug, will have to wait Ketil to see this message. ::)

EDIT: Also Ketil, it seems that changing the Assemble option to "*.obj,O,$B\ML.EXE /c /coff /Cp /nologo,*.asm", won't work either, as RadASM passes the filename "2.asm" for ml..


I just wanna press the build button!  :(



Here is a multimodule example. Maybe it will clear up a few things.

Modules must be added to the project as modules.

If everything else fails you can always use nmake or a batch file to build.


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Im coming from a  MC VC++ environment, where as you probably know the project has multpile cpp files.  When you press the build button, it compiles all the cpp files.

Is there anyway to do that in RadASM?  So that when I press the build button it bulds all the ASM files under the Assembly group. Then links the obj files it just created.

With the method mentioned by KetilO, I have to build the modules, then build the Assembly.  Its a two step process.  (How lazy am I!)

Thanks for all your help.


Hi Artoo

Yes, you can create a make file and let nmake do the job (you need to know how nmake works) or you can simply create a batch file.
There is also a project builder addin that can do the job. Plenty of choises, just pick one. Unfortunatly all of them requiers some knowledge.



Could you please tell me the name of the Addin to use?



It is the pb2.dll by Ossa. You can download it here. I think it is the latest.
It has been made Addin Manager compatible, so you can use addin manager to activate it.

This is version 2.2 of Project Builder (PB2)

It can handle multiple source files, multiple output binaries in LIB/DLL/EXE (console and windows)
form. The dll should be added as other addins are (add it to RadASM\AddIns\ folder and edit the [AddIns]
section of RadASM.ini in the main RadASM directory by adding something like "14=pb2.dll,1")

Known Issues:
- Sometimes the project will not build at all, but when RadASM (and therefore PB) is closed and reopened,
  it builds fine [Note: this problem has not been seen for a while and may have been a side effect of
  another bug which has now been fixed]


What is PB?
- PB stands for Project Builder
- It is an AddIn for KetilO's RadASM
- You can use it to build projects with one or many source files that produce 1 or many binary files.
- It can create binaries of types LIB, DLL and EXE (both Windows and Console)
- It currently only supports MASM, but this will hopefully be changed soon

How do i get PB to build my projects?
- First you must setup the project building options (see below)
- Then all you have to do, is simply click on the "PB: Build Projects" menu item in the "Project" menu in
  RAdASM, when you have the appropriate project open
- The output from the Build will then appear in the output window.
- Any errors will cause the build to stop with that file
- You can then double click on the errors to get RadASM to take you to the postion of the error in your

How do i set up the project options?
- First, you must have a project created and open in RadASM
- Then select the "PB: Edit Project Settings" item in the "Project" menu of RadASM
- Next you must add the source files to the project (see below)
- The binaries must then be setup/added (see below)
- Finaly, just click OK

How do i add source files to my project?
- Unfortunately, currently source files must be added one at a time
- To add a source file:
- Either type in the file name in the "File Name" box in the "Add File" section, or click the "..."
  button to get the "Select source file" dialog, where you can select any file that you want
- When entering the source file names by hand, if the file is in the project directory, only the path
  relative to the project directory is needed. However,if it is outside this directory, a fully qualified
  path is required (eg C:\Projects\QuickProjects\LHT\Src\Hash.asm)
- Next, click the "Add File" button
- The file will then appear in the list box to the left

How do i remove source files from the build?
- Simply select the file that you want to remove in the listbox and then click on the "Delete File"
  button (no, this does not delete the file from you HDD)
- A note should be made that if you remove a source file, but leave it as part of the source for one of
  the binaries, when you come to click "OK", the dialog will inform you that this has happened and will
  not let you exit using "OK" until you have fixed this problem

How do i add a new binary to the project?
- Just click the "Add Binary" button at the bottom of the dialog

How do i remove a binary from the project?
- make sure that the tab you have selected is the one that you want to delete, then click on the
  "Delete Binary" button
- note that there must be at least one binary in a project

How do i setup a binary?
- This depends a lot on what sort of binary you want to create, but some parts are common to all, for the
  specific parts, see below the "common" section below:
+ Common:
  # You must enter a name for the binary in the "Binary Name (NO Extension)" field (and as you may guess,
    don't add the extension (eg .lib) here)
  # You must add all of the source files needed for this binary to the source file list (above) and then
    use that to add them to the binary source list:
    > See above to add source files to the project
    > To add the source files to the binary, they must be added one by one.
    > Select the file that you want to add in the source file list at the top of the dialog
    > Then press the "Add Source File" button
    > Repeat this until all the source files are added
  # The output sub directory must be set, this field can be blank in which case, it will appear in the
    project directory, or it can specify the subdir where the binary will be placed when built (this MUST
    be ended with a '\' character)
  # Type: this is the type of binary that you want to create (its a drop down box, just select the one
    that you want)
+ Windows EXE:
  # no other fields are required, although the "extra switches" field can be used, the current
    commandline looks like this:
    \masm32\bin\Link /OUT:<Output EXE File/Path> /nologo /MACHINE:IX86 /INCREMENTAL:YES /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS <Extra Switches> <Input OBJ File/Path List>
+ Console EXE:
  # Basically the same as the windows EXE, the current commandline is:
    \masm32\bin\Link /OUT:<Output EXE File/Path> /nologo /MACHINE:IX86 /INCREMENTAL:YES /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE <Extra Switches> <Input OBJ File/Path List>
+ DLL:
  # A DEF file must be specified:
    > Add the DEF file as a source file as specified above
    > Select the def file in the source file list
    > Click the "Use Current Selection" button
  # Again the "Extra switches" field can be used, current commandline:
    \masm32\bin\Link /OUT:<Output EXE File/Path> /nologo /MACHINE:IX86 /DLL /INCREMENTAL:YES /DEF:<Input DEF File/Path> /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS <Extra Switches> <Input OBJ File/Path List>
+ LIB:
  #  Similar to EXEs:
    commandline is as follows ("Extra switches" can be used here as well):
    \masm32\bin\Link -lib /INCREMENTAL:YES /nologo /OUT:<Output EXE File/Path> <Extra Switches> <Input OBJ File/Path List>

How do i save the changes to the project options?
- Just click the "OK" button

How do i set a build path?
- Type it in in the box at the bottom of the dialog (remember the trailing '\')

If you find any bugs (other than those mentioned above) could you please let me know.



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