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Locating treeview level

Started by newAsm, March 28, 2008, 01:17:09 PM

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I have a treeview and has 3 levels: Root, Child, grandchild. The user can double clicked at any level. I am only interested in the child level,

+-  Root
       +-- Child           <<<<--- I am interested at this level
              +---- grandchild

I can detect the mouse click but I cannot determine which level. I allow only 1 Root level, many child and grandchild levels. hParent handle contains the Root handle. hItem contains the child handle if the user clicked on a child level.

I used

               INVOKE   SendMessage, hTvwGroup, TVM_GETNEXTITEM, TVGN_PARENT, addr tvi
                mov   eax,tvi.hItem
                .if eax != hParent
                     ... do something

How is the best way to determine at which level (branch) did the user clicked on. I also tried using

               imask - TVIF_CHILDREN and then checking if tvi.cChdilren is zero does not work as well.

Pls, some advise would be appreciated. Thanks..newAsm


When adding an item into your treeview you can set a value in lParam member of TVITEM structure.

typedef struct tagTVITEM {
    UINT mask;
    HTREEITEM hItem;
    UINT state;
    UINT stateMask;
    LPTSTR pszText;
    int cchTextMax;
    int iImage;
    int iSelectedImage;
    int cChildren;
    LPARAM lParam;

If it is the root you set 0 and add one for children

+-- Root (0)
+------------------> Child 1
+------------------> Child 2
                     +----------------> Sub item 1 (value = 0201h)
                     +----------------> Sub Item 2 (value = 0202h)
+------------------> Child 3

It is an idea...



Grincheux's suggestion is probably the best (I was going to say it :bdg) as long as you're not otherwise using lParam.

The only other alternative I can think of is to repeatedly get the parent, until you eventually reach the root, counting the number of parents on the way.
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


Wow great, thanks Grincheux & tedd. I have never thought of that because I thought there must be some API capable of doing that it. Now I know using an index, you have help me solved the problem.

Thanks a lot..newAsm


Hi Grincheux  & Tedd,

I tried setting the lParam with a value (1 - one), and then I used GETITEM (API) to get the item data.

In setting up the TV_INSERTSTRUCT

                     mov     eax, hParent      ; get the root parent handle
                     mov     tvis.hParent, eax
                     mov     tvis.hInsertAfter, TVI_LAST
                     mov     eax, offset sNewGroup
                     mov     tvis.item.pszText, eax
                     mov      tvis.item.lParam,1      ;
                     INVOKE  SendMessage, hTvwGroup, TVM_INSERTITEM, 0, addr tvis

when a double clicked occurred

    .elseif uMsg == WM_NOTIFY
         .if wParam == IDC_TVW_Group
            mov     eax, lParam
            mov     ebx, (NM_TREEVIEW ptr [eax]).hdr.code
            mov     ecx, (NM_TREEVIEW ptr [eax]).itemNew.hItem
            mov     edx, (NM_TREEVIEW ptr [eax]).itemNew.state

             .if ebx == TVN_SELCHANGED
                 test   (NM_TREEVIEW ptr [eax]).action, TVIS_FOCUSED
                jz      Ret0
                  mov      tvi.hItem, ecx
                  mov      tvi.imask, TVIF_TEXT
                  lea      eax, sItem
                  mov      tvi.pszText, eax
                  mov      tvi.cchTextMax, 32

               INVOKE   SendMessage, hTvwGroup, TVM_GETITEM, NULL, addr tvi
            mov      eax,tvi.lParam
            .if eax == 1
               invoke   MessageBox,hWnd,offset sItem,ADDR AppName,MB_OK

I used a messagebox to indicate that the right level has been detected. No message occurred. Is TVM_GETITEM sufficient to get the selected item data? I have included the source. Lines 164 - 172 is where insertion of the "Child" occurred. Lines 254 - 282 is where the treeview selection check takes place. Appreciate your feedback.

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When you insert the data into your treeview you must set the TVItem.imask member to TVIF_PARAM like this :

;   ================================================================================

      lea   eax,_szTmp

      mov   _TVis.hInsertAfter,TVI_SORT
      mov   _TVis.itemex.pszText,eax
      mov   eax,_hComputer
      mov   _TVis.itemex.state,0
      mov   _TVis.itemex.iIntegral,0
      mov   _TVis.hParent,eax
      mov   _TVis.itemex.cChildren,1
      mov   _TVis.itemex.lParam,1234h

      INVOKE   SendMessage,hTreeView,TVM_INSERTITEM,0,ADDR _TVis

;   ================================================================================

After you catch the WM_NOTIFY like this :

;   ================================================================================

Folders_WmNotify   PROC   USES EBX EDI ESI,__hWnd:HWND,__lpNmHdr:Ptr NMHDR
         LOCAL   _Tvi:TVITEM
         LOCAL   _szTmp[MAX_PATH]:Byte

         mov   ebx,__lpNmHdr

         cmp   (NMHDR Ptr [ebx]).code,TVN_SELCHANGED
         jne   @Exit

@SelChanged :

         mov   eax,(NMTREEVIEW Ptr [ebx]).itemNew.hItem
         mov   _Tvi.hItem,eax
         mov   _Tvi._mask,TVIF_PARAM or TVIF_TEXT
         lea   eax,_szTmp
         mov   _Tvi.pszText,eax
         mov   _Tvi.cchTextMax,SIZEOF _szTmp
         mov   _Tvi.lParam,NULL

         INVOKE   SendMessage,hTreeView,TVM_GETITEM,0,ADDR _Tvi

         test   eax,eax
         jz   @Exit

            mov   eax,_Tvi.lParam

            cmp   eax,lpPosteDeTravail
            je   @_PosteDeTravail

               push   eax                     ; TV_FOLDER
               push   _Tvi.hItem                  ; hItem
               lea   eax,_szTmp
               push   eax                     ; Texte de l'item
               push   OFFSET @Exit
               jmp   SearchIntoThisDirectory

@_PosteDeTravail :

               jmp   @Exit

@Exit :

         mov   eax,TRUE

Folders_WmNotify   ENDP

;   ================================================================================

This function is called through the window's proc like this :

;   ================================================================================

LeftExplorerProc   PROC   USES EBX EDI ESI,__hWnd:HWND,__uMsg:UINT,__wParam:WPARAM,__lParam:LPARAM

         mov   eax,__uMsg

@WmNotify :

         cmp   eax,WM_NOTIFY
         jne   @WmSize

            push   __lParam               ; LPNMHDR
            push   __hWnd
            push   OFFSET @End
            jmp   Folders_WmNotify

@WmSize :

            cmp   eax,WM_SIZE
            jne   @WmCreate

               movzx   edx,Word Ptr __lParam + 2
               movzx   eax,Word Ptr __lParam

               push   TRUE
               push   edx
               push   eax
               push   0
               push   0
               push   hTreeView
               push   OFFSET @End
               jmp   MoveWindow

@WmCreate :

            cmp   eax,WM_CREATE
            jne   @WmClose

               mov   esi,__hWnd
               call   CreateTreeView
               call   Folders_WmCreate

               mov   eax,TRUE
               jmp   @Exit

@WmClose :

            cmp   eax,WM_CLOSE
            jne   @Default

               call   Folders_WmClose

               mov   eax,TRUE
               jmp   @Exit

@Default :

            push   __lParam
            push   __wParam
            push   __uMsg
            push   __hWnd
            push   OFFSET @Exit
            jmp   DefWindowProc      

@End :

            xor eax,eax

@Exit :

LeftExplorerProc      ENDP

;   ================================================================================

Is ii easier now ?

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Hi Grincheux,

Thanks a LOT! I am humbled about the details I have yet come to gripe with. It definitely has helped me with the example. i will study it. THANKS! Very helpful hint and hopefully remember.



Hi Grincheux,

Working now. I will upload the program when done. Thanks for your help...newAsm