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Line function

Started by Farabi, March 30, 2008, 12:52:54 PM

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Hai, this time I want to show you my line function. Got any idea to optimize it?

GetDeltaXY proc x:dword,y:dword,x2:dword,y2:dword

mov edx,x2
sub edx,x
mov eax,y2
sub eax,y

GetDeltaXY endp ; Result on edx:eax

GetHypotenusa proc nDX:dword,nDY:dword
LOCAL res:dword

xor edx,edx
mov eax,nDY
mul eax

mov res,eax

xor edx,edx
mov eax,nDX
mul eax

add res,eax
fild res
fistp res
; invoke GetSqrt,res
mov eax,res

GetHypotenusa endp ;

GetPosLine proc nDX:dword,nDY:dword,hyp:dword,nPos:dword
LOCAL x,y:dword

; fild nDX
; fidiv hyp
; fimul nPos
; fistp x

; (nPos*nDX)/hyp
xor edx,edx ; 1
xor eax,eax ; 1

mov eax,nDX ; 1
imul nPos ; 42
idiv hyp ; 42
mov x,eax ; 1

; fild nDY
; fidiv hyp
; fimul nPos
; fistp y

; (nPos*nDY)/hyp

xor edx,edx ; 1
xor eax,eax ; 1

mov eax,nDY ; 1
imul nPos ; 42
idiv hyp ; 42
mov y,eax ; 1

mov edx,x
mov eax,y

GetPosLine endp ; Result on edx:eax

Line proc uses esi edi x:dword,y:dword,x2:dword,y2:dword,color:dword
LOCAL nDX,nDY,hyp:dword

invoke GetDeltaXY,x,y,x2,y2
mov nDX,edx
mov nDY,eax
invoke GetHypotenusa,nDX,nDY
mov hyp,eax

cmp hyp,0
jle brs

mov ecx,hyp

push ecx
invoke GetPosLine,nDX,nDY,hyp,ecx
add edx,x
add eax,y
invoke frbPixelPut,edx,eax,color
pop ecx
dec ecx
jnz @b


Line endp
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"


I dont understand why you need to make use of SQR, hypotenusa for a linedrawing function?
find out which is biggest lenght of line is in x or y and step along this axis
big speedup is to not have calculation of pixeladress in innerloop, but simplified to add ebx,lPitch when increment Y happens and add ebx,-lPitch if you decrement Y
the reason I want to use add in both places is I can simple initialize direction with NEG lPitch if nesserary
macro instead of proc for pixelplotting also great for speedup with no call/ret and its lousy branchprediction it has


No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


Quote from: daydreamer on March 30, 2008, 03:52:50 PM
I dont understand why you need to make use of SQR, hypotenusa for a linedrawing function?
find out which is biggest lenght of line is in x or y and step along this axis
big speedup is to not have calculation of pixeladress in innerloop, but simplified to add ebx,lPitch when increment Y happens and add ebx,-lPitch if you decrement Y
the reason I want to use add in both places is I can simple initialize direction with NEG lPitch if nesserary
macro instead of proc for pixelplotting also great for speedup with no call/ret and its lousy branchprediction it has

Because I only understand it that  way. Anyway thanks for your answer.
Those who had universe knowledges can control the world by a micro processor.

"Etos siperi elegi"