Need Visual Win32 executable file Help in Easy Code

Started by etow, March 21, 2008, 06:06:03 PM

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Does anyone know to create more windows which I think is what I need?
I want to bring up extra windows so that when I check on the check box and click the button on the main window it will bring up the other windows if they are checked on the main window.
Also, on the other windows I want to run their programs individual if the user clicked on their command buttons.

Do you think I need dialog boxes or windows?  I am not sure how to use them yet.

Please help.


Ramon Sala

If you are working with visual projects, all windows designed in the IDE (design time) can be created at run time by using the Create method (see the Create method in the Easy Code help file). Also, you can see the 'How to create windows at run time' example in the Easy Code tutorials child board.

Greetings from Catalonia


Hi Ramon,

How do you check if a check box option is checked then cause a window to come up to perform certain action relating to that check box option?

Do I need to create each window for each check box option since I do have many check boxes?

I think I will create each window in design time.

How do you tell the code in the main window with command buttons as well as the check boxes to jump to the other individual windows when their corresponding check box options are checked to perform certain actions like calculation and entered numbers to be calculated?


Ramon Sala

Hi Egan,

Check boxes belong to BUTTON class, so they are buttons. Selecting/unselecting a check box is the same as clicking a button, they send a BN_CLICKED notification code to their parent thorugh the WM_COMMAND message. Supose you have a check box named Check1 inside a window named Window1. Write the following code in the WM_COMMAND message of the window procedure:

.ElseIf uMsg == WM_COMMAND
    LoWord wParam
    .If Ax == IDC_WINDOW1_CHECK1
        HiWord wParam
        .If Ax == BN_CLICKED
            Invoke GetWIndowItem, hWnd, IDC_WINDOW1_CHECK1
            Invoke SendMessage, Eax, BM_GETCHECK, 0, 0
            .If Eax == BST_CHECKED
                ;Check box is selected
            .ElseIf Eax == BST_UNCHECKED
                ;Check box is unselected
            Return TRUE
.ElseIf uMsg == ...

Greetings from Catalonia