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Linked List Functions

Started by etow, March 13, 2008, 11:39:59 PM

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How do you create a linked list, add to linked list, traverse a linked list and delete from linked list?




I can not get the code to work yet but I have another implementation of doubly linked list below:

;The MASM32 Runtime Library include file.
    include \masm32\include\

Listpointer = ^ ListNode

Window Struct
current DD Listpointer
trailing DD Listpointer
Window EndS

ListNode Struct
      entry DD listentry
      nextNode DD Listpointer
      previousNode DD Listpointer
ListNode EndS

ListType Struct
head DD Listpointer
ListType EndS

; «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««


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    Call Main
    inkey "Press any key to exit..."
; «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««

CreateList Proc L:ListType
    Mov L.head, NULL
CreateList EndP
OnList Proc w:Window, L:ListType
    .If (w != NULL)
       Mov Eax, TRUE
    .ElseIf (w == NULL)
       Mov Eax, FALSE
OnList EndP
InsertNodeAfter Proc current:Listpointer, newNode:ListPointer, L:ListType
.If ((current == NULL) || (newNode == NULL))
print chr$("Error: Attempt to make an incorrect insertion after a node.", 13, 10)
Mov newNode^.nextNode, current^.nextNode
        Mov current^.nextNode, newNode
InsertNodeAfter EndP
InsertAfter Proc w:Window, x:listentry, L:ListType
   Local newNode:Listpointer
   Local onListResult:BOOLEAN

   Invoke OnList, w, L
   Mov onListResult, Eax

   new (newNode)
   Mov newNode^.entry, x
   .If (L.head == NULL)
      Mov L.head, newNode
      Mov w, newNode
      Mov newNode^.nextNode, NULL
   .ElseIf (onListResult == FALSE)
      print chr$("Error: Attempt to insert after a node not in the list.")
      Invoke InsertNodeAfter, w, newNode, L
InsertAfter EndP
InsertNodeBefore Proc current:Listpointer, newNode:ListPointer, L:ListType
Local previous:Listpointer

.If (current == NULL) || (newNode == NULL)
   print chr$("Error: Attempt to insert a nonexistent node before a node.", 13, 10)
    Mov previous, current^.previousNode
    Mov current^.previousNode, newNode
    .If previous == NULL
    Mov L.head, newNode
    Mov previous^.nextNode, newNode
    Mov newNode^.nextNode, current
    Mov newNode^.previousNode, previous
InsertNodeBefore EndP
TraverseList Proc L:ListType
    Local current:Window
    Mov current, L.head
    .While current != NULL
       ; visit current^.entry
       Mov current, current^.nextNode
TraverseList EndP
Main Proc
   Local Number:DWord
   Local WantContinue:DWord

   Mov WantContinue, 0   ; initialize WantContinue to zero

  .While ((WantContinue >= 0) && (WantContinue < -1))
  ; while WantContinue is greater than or equal to 0 And
  ; WantContinue is less than -1 do

    Mov WantContinue, sval(input("Enter -1 to quit program : "))
    Invoke ClearScreen ; clears the screen
    print chr$(13, 10)
Main EndP
End start


Hi code that I posted in previous post is a mixture of some assembly and pascal code.

I am not sure how to translate it completely to assembly yet.

I need help.




Below is the code to delete from a doubly linked list:

DeleteList Proc w:Window, L:ListType
Local onListResult:BOOLEAN

Invoke OnList, w, L
    Mov onListResult, Eax

.If (onListResult == FALSE)
       print chr$("Error: Attempt to delete a node not on list.", 13, 10)
      .If (w.current == L.head)
         Mov w.current, w.current ^.nextNode
         Mov L.head, w.current
         Mov trailing, NULL
      Mov w.current, w.current ^.nextNode
      dispose (w.trailing ^.nextNode)
      Mov w.trailing ^.nextNode, w.current

DeleteList EndP

The code above is a mixture of assembly and pascal code



I need help to correct my code in the previous posts above to make my code work in MASM32 assembly language.



First question: do you understand how to perform those operations on a linked-list by hand? Once you understand it you should find it much easier to do in asm - the only 'complicated' things are the memory allocation and fiddling the pointers.
(Is that your pascal code, or did you find it somewhere? You might find it easier to start over, rather than trying to convert that code.)
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


Hi Ted,

Yes I know how to do linked list by hand.  The code is mostly Pascal that I got from my college text book.


Okay, then I would start from scratch :P You can refer back to that code and add any of its 'features' once you get something working :wink
Start with a simple node of {value:DWORD,pNext:DWORD} and then write a function - "append(Lst,val)" (where 'Lst' is a pointer to the list you're appending to, and 'val' is the value to append.) This will allocate a new node, set its value, and add the pointer to the end of the list. Once you've got that you can do a "remove" function. And then from there extend to allow insertion, etc. Then add 'pPrev' pointers if you want :wink
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


Just to be a barbarian, would it not be easier with the amount of code in the Pascal example to just build a tree ? It would have to be faster than a linked list.
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Hi Tedd,

When I mean I know how to do the linked list by hand, I am referring to tracing the linked list by hand not so much as implementing it.  I need some help.



Then you better read up on how a linked list works - once you understand it, you can get coding :P

But, I've started you off (attachment) :wink
I've left the interesting parts for you :bdg When you finish those functions, you can try adding 'pPrev' pointers in, and maintain them.
(If you then keep track of the last item, as well as the first, you can append quickly, and there's a nice shortcut for finding an item at an index past halfway.)

Note: you'll have to use a debugger if you want to see anything happening.

[attachment deleted by admin]
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


Hi Tedd,

In your code in the zip file,

What does this line do, the compiler complains about this line:
"   mov eax,val  "
Does the line above need to be corrected before it can run without errors

Is this the correct code below to print each item in the linked list?

LstTraverse Proc Lst:DWord
    Push Ebx
    Mov Ebx, Lst
    Assume Ebx:Ptr NODE

    print ([Ebx].value)    ; print print the item of the list
    Mov Eax, [Ebx].pNext
    Mov Ebx, Eax
    Test Eax, Eax
    Jnz Process            ; if it is not NULL then continue to process the list

LstTraverse EndP

Please reply back soon.



Something tells me you haven't really read through the code and understood it - do that first!! (Not just what it does, but how and why it does it.)

"mov eax,val" will get the parameter 'val' into eax - if there is a parameter 'val' for the given function, otherwise it's not needed (and doesn't make sense), but that's what you get for blindly copying and pasting code ::)

If you "push ebx" at the start of a function, you should remember to "pop ebx" at the end :P (Also "assume ebx:nothing" to avoid error messages.)

Otherwise, your "traverse" doesn't look too bad :wink
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


Hi Tedd,

Do you know any good debuggers I could use to trace the pointers because I am having trouble setting the links to the previous pointer of the node as well as writing the Insert procedure?

By the way, how do you set the pointer to always point to the head of the list?

My insert procedure for the linked list is below, can you check if I am on the right track?


;insert an item into the given list, at a given 'index'
LstInsert Proc Lst:DWord, valu:DWord, i:DWord
    ;* count through the nodes, until you get to node 'i' (first node is node 0)
    ;* create a new node, set its value
    ;* insert the node -- copy node i's pNext into this new node's, then set i's pNext to this node
    Local counter:DWord
    Local current:DWord

    Push Ebx
    Mov Ebx, Lst
    Assume Ebx:Ptr NODE

    Push Edx
    Mov Edx, current
    Assume Edx:Ptr NODE

    Mov counter, 0
    Mov Ecx, i

    .If (counter == Ecx)
       Jmp done
      Mov Eax, [Ebx].pNext       ; get ptr to next
      Mov Ebx, Eax
      Inc counter
      Mov Edi, [Edx].pNext
      Test Eax, Eax
      Jnz Process

    ;(ebx is now the last item/node)
    ;(so create a new node and append it)
    Invoke GlobalAlloc, GMEM_FIXED, SizeOf NODE      ;new node
    Mov [Ebx].pNext, Edx                            ;add it to the end
    mov ebx,eax
    Mov [Ebx].pNext, Edx                          ;this is the new end of the list
    Mov Eax, valu
    mov [ebx].value,eax                             ;set its value

    assume ebx:nothing
    Pop Ebx
    Assume Edx:Nothing
    Pop Edx

LstInsert EndP