Getting a file handle to an already opened file with exclusive permissions set

Started by ReVeR, February 26, 2005, 12:14:38 AM

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i have the above problem. the solutino to it is, to inject a dll into the process(or just code etc...i like dlls more.....) and then use it to get the file handle. My question is, hwo can i get teh already opened file handle without opening a new file handle?



You tread on dangerous grounds here as this technique is commonly associated with cracking and the like. Tell us what you are doing or this thread will have to be removed.
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okey , here is the deal. Program a, is a analystic program, and this son of a bitch generates a file that has statistices about my system. The program is that the ouput of the program is somewhat patheticly noobish, and there is not even half the data in it. I wanna get the file before it is removed from the hd by the program so i can see where my video drivers screw up and not just a general erro that can happen at dozens of places. So i figured i would write a dll injector, inject a dll, and the dll will open the file and copy it over to some other place....this theoretically should allow me to open the file second time(dll injection), but i wanted to make it more efient and jsut get the previous handle of the file


Hmmmm, i'm not convinced that you need to go to these lengths just to view a log file. In any case you are looking to intefere with the output of an app that is not your own, so this thread is going to be closed.