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jump over 2 zeros in al

Started by ragdog, January 31, 2008, 09:03:55 PM

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hi  ::)

i have problem with read my hex string.
It print not the 2 string! I have yet 2x Inc
esi write to jump  over the 2 zero´s  or not?

example to print: msgbox Test1
                         msgbox Test2
                         msgbox Test3

sztest       db054h,065h,073h,074h,031h,000h,000h,054h,065h,073h,074h,032h,000h,000h,054h,065h,073h,074h,033h,00h,00h


readstrings proc

LOCAL szDest1[256]:BYTE
LOCAL szDest2[256]:BYTE
LOCAL szDest3[256]:BYTE
LOCAL szDest4[256]:BYTE
LOCAL szDest5[256]:BYTE

            xor esi,esi
            xor edi,edi
        mov esi,offset sztest       
        mov al, byte ptr [esi]      
            mov byte ptr szDest1[edi], al
            inc edi                      ;inc dest buffer
            inc esi                      ;inc src buffer
            cmp al,00h                   ;compare if al 00h
            jnz @Read_Test1              ;jmp if al not 00h
         invoke MessageBox,hWnd,addr szDest1,0,MB_OK
            inc esi
            inc esi
        mov al, byte ptr [esi]      
            mov byte ptr szDest2[edi], al
            inc edi                      ;inc dest buffer
            inc esi                      ;inc src buffer
            cmp al,00h                   ;compare if al 00h
            jnz @Read_Test2              ;jmp if al not 00h
         invoke MessageBox,hWnd,addr szDest2,0,MB_OK

readstrings endp

thanks in forward


Quote from: ragdog on January 31, 2008, 09:03:55 PM

           mov al, byte ptr [esi]        
            mov byte ptr szDest1[edi], al
            inc edi                      ;inc dest buffer
            inc esi                        ; points to the next 0
            cmp al,00h                   ;compare if al 00h
            jnz @Read_Test1              ;jmp if al not 00h
         invoke MessageBox,hWnd,addr szDest1,0,MB_OK
            inc esi
            ; inc esi

         I think you have 2 inc esi   instead of    inc esi.  Is it ?


i removed a one "inc esi"
No, unfortunately, is the same problem!

Thank you


       lea     edi, szDest1 
and  lea    edi, szDest2   to get the address of szDest1 ... ? Doesnt work ?


It is any other problem, the first string is displayed to the msgbox  not the string 2 ...



The main problem is that you are not setting edi back to zero before the second loop. Also, you need only one inc esi because the first loop is leaving esi set to the second null.
eschew obfuscation


i have it inc esi
           xor edi,edi

thanks michael
