xp style buttons - problem, xp style dialog button control

Started by abitlater, January 07, 2008, 07:44:23 PM

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Hello all,

I'm having a problem getting dialog buttons to be rounded like they are in XP style. Instead, they are rectangular with hard corners. The tutorial I'm working from said to add an xml manifest (which I don't understand, simply pasted in the xml after changing the name of the exe field to db2a.exe).

After adding the reference to the xml file in the resource file and compiling the resource, assembling the .asm file, and linking, my exe won't start up (even if I double click the icon in the project folder as opposed to executing it from within WinAsm).  I debugged this in OllyDbg and the program executes, but the call to DialogBoxParam fails... I'm not smart enough (yet  ) to figure out why.

NOTE: the tutorial made no mention of 'adding' the xml manifest to the project (so that it is linked in, but I tried it that way too).

Any help is greatly appreciated. Files included in db2a.zip for review.


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try this

    invoke InitCommonControls
                invoke DialogBoxParam,hInstance,IDD_DIALOG,NULL,addr DlgProc,NULL
                invoke ExitProcess,0



thanks ragdog, that worked (after adding comctl32.inc and comctl32.lib)

I wonder why I had no problems with my Dialog until I added the reference to the xml file?  Even after removing the reference to the manifest xml file, I continued to have problems, but before I added that reference, everything built and ran fine. (?)
