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GetDeviceCaps() with ASPECTX and ASPECTY

Started by Rockoon, December 08, 2007, 04:18:55 AM

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Quote from: Ultrano on December 09, 2007, 04:57:43 PM
Don't forget 16:10 is becoming the standard for home PCs.
Google: standard 16:9  5,320 standard 16:10  778

7:1 for 16:9 - at least over here in Old Europe  :bg


Google for
monitor standard 16:10  : 1,050,000
Please use a smaller graphic in your signature.


The steam survey combines 5:4 with 4:3, and 16:10 with 16:9.. (probably because of this same issue..)

anyways, for what its worth:

August 2006 (final) survey results:

4:3 Aspect Primary Displays (684805 of 711282 Total Users (96.28% of Total) )
16:9 Aspect Primary Displays (22364 of 711282 Total Users (3.14% of Total) )

March 2007 (final) survey results:

4:3 Aspect Primary Displays (1041224 of 1165181 Total Users (89.36% of Total) )
16:9 Aspect Primary Displays (116997 of 1165181 Total Users (10.04% of Total) )

December 2007 (today, ongoing) results:

4:3 Aspect Primary Displays (490843 of 646275 Total Users (75.95% of Total) )
16:9 Aspect Primary Displays (152753 of 646275 Total Users (23.64% of Total) )

When C++ compilers can be coerced to emit rcl and rcr, I *might* consider using one.


Many people haven't seen the joy of widescreen yet :). Even the merchant where I bought this 16:10 monitor wondered why I'd prefer a widescreen... lol

Again back to the topic, I think there is a way around this Windows bug/standard. Get the Direct3D max resolution (enumerate them all). Get that as "real AR". Get current screen-size, for "fake AR". Get monitor size - and do the simple maths, to make your own correct ASPECTX and ASPECTY.
But this will be problematic if the monitor's highest supported resolution isn't in its correct AR. (in my experience LCDs don't ever show you higher resolution than their native) (but CRTs... I don't remember - could you guys check this on at least one CRT monitor?). My monitor's highest resolution in Windows is 1650:1050 via VGA out even though I'm often in 1920x1080 via HDMI (PS3 games...).
Even if CRT does allow high resolutions with non-4:3 AR, then we could simplify the algo by skipping getting the max resolution (hoping that the reported monitor-size is correct/available).
Can you find a monitor, that will ruin these simple calculations?
Please use a smaller graphic in your signature.