MS COFF Object file to module definition file converter

Started by Vortex, December 11, 2007, 08:24:16 PM

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objdef is designed to create module definition files from MS COFF object modules.

The tool reads the code section of an object file and extracts the exported functions to
create module definition files.

Usage    : obj2def objectfile.obj [optional -d]
Optional : -d, output decorated symbols

To exclude any function, you can declare it as PRIVATE :

StrLen PROC PRIVATE item:DWORD ; this function is not exported

In C modules, the keyword static can be used to mark a function as private :

static int WINAPI func(int a, int b)
return 2*a+b; /* This function is not exported */

DLLs created with C compilers have entry points located in the C run-time
startup modules. To exclude the entry point in the source code :

obj2def DllDemo.obj@_DllMain@12

The entry point typed in the decorated form is specified following the @ separator symbol.

The optional -d switch can be used to output module definition files with decorated symbols.
This type of module definition file is created according to Pelles notation system.