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how to get remote host name and ip

Started by ossama, December 05, 2007, 03:56:10 PM

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how can i get the the remote host name and ip address of a connected socket?
i have written this code, but it returns wrong results:

to get remote host name, i used this code

get_remote_host_name proc SocketID:dword,pszBuffer:dword
local sock_addr:sockaddr_in
local _size:dword

;get remote host address
mov _size,sizeof sockaddr_in
invoke getpeername,SocketID,addr sock_addr,addr _size
return FALSE

;get host name from ip address
invoke gethostbyaddr,addr sock_addr.sin_addr,4,AF_INET
.if eax==NULL
return FALSE
lea eax,(hostent ptr [eax]).h_name
invoke lstrcpy,pszBuffer,eax

return TRUE
get_remote_host_name endp

and to get remote ip address, i  used this:

get_remote_ip_address proc SocketID:dword,pszBuffer:dword
local sock_addr:sockaddr_in
local _size:dword

;get remote host address
mov _size,sizeof sockaddr_in
invoke getpeername,SocketID,addr sock_addr,addr _size
return FALSE

;convert ip address (network byte) to standard dotted format
invoke inet_ntoa,addr sock_addr.sin_addr
.if eax==NULL
return FALSE
invoke lstrcpy,pszBuffer,eax

return TRUE
get_remote_ip_address endp

thank you in advance for your help and time


i did not find prototyping of the function getnameinfo in masm32 package


Quote from: ossama on December 05, 2007, 04:22:32 PM
i did not find prototyping of the function getnameinfo in masm32 package

Yes, the prototype is not defined in


QuoteYes, the prototype is not defined in
what should i do? do i need to use LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress ?


GetProcAddress can be a solution. The attachment contains Ws2_32.lib from PellesC development package and the associated include file extracted from the import library with lib2inc :

[attachment deleted by admin]


any way, i had used the function getnameinfo, but no/or wrong results.


is there an updated masm32 package that includes all functions prototyping and constants (found in msdn)


Quote from: ossama on December 05, 2007, 03:56:10 PM
how can i get the the remote host name and ip address of a connected socket?
i have written this code, but it returns wrong results:

to get remote host name, i used this code

get_remote_host_name proc SocketID:dword,pszBuffer:dword
local sock_addr:sockaddr_in
local _size:dword

;get remote host address
mov _size,sizeof sockaddr_in
invoke getpeername,SocketID,addr sock_addr,addr _size
return FALSE

;get host name from ip address
invoke gethostbyaddr,addr sock_addr.sin_addr,4,AF_INET
.if eax==NULL
return FALSE
lea eax,(hostent ptr [eax]).h_name
invoke lstrcpy,pszBuffer,eax

return TRUE
get_remote_host_name endp

and to get remote ip address, i  used this:

get_remote_ip_address proc SocketID:dword,pszBuffer:dword
local sock_addr:sockaddr_in
local _size:dword

;get remote host address
mov _size,sizeof sockaddr_in
invoke getpeername,SocketID,addr sock_addr,addr _size
return FALSE

;convert ip address (network byte) to standard dotted format
invoke inet_ntoa,addr sock_addr.sin_addr
.if eax==NULL
return FALSE
invoke lstrcpy,pszBuffer,eax

return TRUE
get_remote_ip_address endp

thank you in advance for your help and time

when i use the second procedure (get_remote_ip_address) with my socket is connected to a server in my pc (the two ends of the socket are in the same pc),but i get this ip address:
it is not my ip address,
i am behind a router, the router gived me the ip address,
and my internet connection ip (my isp assigned it to me) is,
and even if i disconnect the LAN cable from my pc, i get the same ip address


i have found my error in the first procedure, it it the line:
   lea eax,(hostent ptr [eax]).h_name
change it to the folowing resolve the remote host name
   mov eax,(hostent ptr [eax]).h_name
and the right procedure will be :
get_remote_host_name proc SocketID:dword,pszBuffer:dword
local sock_addr:sockaddr_in
local _size:dword

;get remote host address
mov _size,sizeof sockaddr_in
invoke getpeername,SocketID,addr sock_addr,addr _size
return FALSE

;get host name from ip address
invoke gethostbyaddr,addr sock_addr.sin_addr,4,AF_INET
.if eax==NULL
return FALSE
mov eax,(hostent ptr [eax]).h_name
invoke lstrcpy,pszBuffer,eax

return TRUE
get_remote_host_name endp

but i still have the wrong ip address returned from the second proc: get_remote_ip_address


finaly, i got the solution, it was masm confusing me,
first of all this is the right procedure to get remote ip address of a connected socket

get_remote_ip_address proc SocketID:dword,pszBuffer:dword
local sock_addr:sockaddr_in
local _size:dword

;get remote host address
mov _size,sizeof sockaddr_in
invoke getpeername,SocketID,addr sock_addr,addr _size
return FALSE

;convert ip address (network byte) to standard dotted format
                mov eax,sock_addr.sin_addr
invoke inet_ntoa,eax
.if eax==NULL
return FALSE
invoke lstrcpy,pszBuffer,eax

return TRUE
get_remote_ip_address endp

the change of the line
invoke inet_ntoa,addr sock_addr.sin_addr
to this
mov eax,sock_addr.sin_addr
   invoke inet_ntoa,eax

solved the problem

but what was confusing me is that masm was telling me this:
error A2114: INVOKE argument type mismatch : argument : 1

when i write this :
invoke inet_ntoa,addr sock_addr.sin_addr

and after changing it to
mov eax,sock_addr.sin_addr
invoke inet_ntoa,eax

it was OKAY :U


i forgot some thing,
i thank ICZELION for his very excelent tutorial of winsock