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Chinese researchers compromise SHA-1 hashing algorithm

Started by Brad, February 21, 2005, 02:57:08 AM

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for some reason i always thought that oriental and european countries were always smarter than american countries.


I could make a remark about a very large country that spans from the Orient to Europe, that after WW2, stole info on how to make everything from Nukes to jet engines, and copied aircraft designs from captured "allied countries" aircraft, but I won't. :green2
God made Man, but the monkey applied the glue -DEVO


huh well they'll have to make another hashing algorithm, I guess  :green :green


hahaha damn you people are silly, I live in Canada and have nothing against americans, I just always respected the determination of  oriental countries like japaneese that never wanted to be dominated by modern countries and that worked extremely hard and got what they wanted in the end. sorry to trigger your insecurities, i just made a random remark that didn't mean anything heh.


i have removed your post. If you continue with your blatantly racist comments you will be banned from the board.



Hey guys,

Can we leave this stuff alone, there can be no winners and a lot of friends offended. This form of social warfare only occurs in safety between Aussies, Kiwis and the English because we settle it on the cricket pitches of the world throwing cricket balls at each other.  :bg
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God made Man, but the monkey applied the glue -DEVO

Xor Stance

Sorry, I got annoy after Hutch mention india, I thought this was going to heat up a bit my head and I really don't care what Russian saids. However, I don't like any feeling of superior or inferior it just when I see this kind of talks, I think badly and start my instict hatred.

Just a note, none human being able to do something is defficient mind. I'm not cowering away and don't post or run away, I'm just stating and if I need a long talk, I can email though. But, that's how things are solve by having a reasonable conversation.

:8) I'm not native from here.



Around the world you can always find differences between people that are based on history, race and political issues. We are free of these problems because we are programmers first and for this reason we almost universally get on OK together. You will find that people differ very little on the basic things and that is what makes getting on with each other easy to do.

Now when it comes to polititians, Governments, Corporate profits and all the other things that interfere with how ordinary people live, you can find the grounds for World War 4 and that is why the forum was created with rules that prohibit discussion of these things on a competitive basis. Most people have a few comments about how things are where they live and this is about as much as we will allow because it is a mix of humour and local comment.

Just for example, I am an Australian and we historically have a very robust view on polititians, the "head honcho" in Australia is called a "Prime Minister" and what we have got for the last few terms is this snivelling little bastard "Honest John" who is so crooked he cannot lay straight in bed, has sold us out for peanuts, got us involved in a war that is already lost, stripped citizens of thier rights in an ever increasing police state and can keep raising enough money from foreign corporations to keep buying the election results to keep him in office.

Now if I said that the President of France was a closet poofter or gouged the eyes out of camels or the like, I would have broken the rules here but as "Honest John" is our problem and we can put the boot into him as much as we like.
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Just 2 notes:

1. About the situation during and after WW2:
- please check out how many 'real' american scientists were working on the nuke project...The allies have taken the brains, the commies the rest.
- check out the milestones of space-race (maybe that's not the right expression) I mean the race to get into space, to send man into space, to land on the moon and so on. The russians were first, since their mathematic and phisic knowledge was more advanced. But such projects cost money, lots of money...

2. This fits this board more: What is about this chineese hashing? As I can see this topic is rather a security or data protection stuff, why is it in the laboratory at all?

Greets, gábor

Mark Jones

Rule of thumb: never bring up Religion, Poltitcs, or War in public discussion or at the bar! :naughty:

That said, this is SHA-128, right? Not too surprising it can be comprimised actually... a typical new PC can do how many MIPS?

I've seen a SSH secure shell application which uses a 2048-bit key and 256-bit encryption. That ought to take about 2.5 billion years to crack. :)
"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08