Hi, First Post, Windows - No Disk error popup starting Easy Code

Started by metron9, September 29, 2007, 06:19:15 PM

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Hello. I am an old assembler programmer from the commodore64 days. I program ATMEL chips in assembler and I design DMX  Stage Lighting. I thought I would give assemlbly language another go for windows as i have a project I need to control with the serial port.

So far everything works, GoAsm , sample programs etc.. But an annoying window pops up when starting Easy Code that says

Windows - No Disk

Exception Processing Message 0xc0000013 Parameters 0x75f0023c 0x8483aadc 0x75f0023 0x75f0023c

I hit cancel or continue and everything runs ok. Is there a setup or splash screen it cant find?

Using Windows Vista AMD64

Solved the problem, After making my first program and setting up the directorys in the Tools-->Settings it all works.

Also note Vista, you have to edit properties of help files, Vista automatically blocks them, in the properties window after right clicking on the help file and choosing properties Unblock.

Still not sure where to download "Win32.hlp"  All the links I have tried so far are broken.

Ramon Sala

Hi metron9,

Thanks for using Easy Code. I hope you like it! Both, GoAsm and Masm versions work fine under Windows 98/NT/2K/XP but I have never tried Windows Vista, so thanks for reporting those issues. I will see what I can do as soon as I can.

About Win32.hlp, try the following link:


Regards and enjoy Easy Code.

Greetings from Catalonia


Yes, from what little I have used Easy Code so far, I plan to buy another computer and run xp just to code with it.

I also run Dreamweaver, I hvae heard people have the same problem with it just shutting down during file access, that may be a clue. I got a but frustrated after about ten times and downloaded Visual c++ 2008 beta. After 6 hours I got nothing at all but high blood pressure. There is just a major lack of information on how to do much of anything and the MSDN SDK I just finished downloading only makes my blood pressure go higher.

I am going to stick with Easy Code I think.

My main focus right now is accessing the serial port to send data to my DMX controller I am designing. It will all programmed on ATMEL chips and of course use  assembler as well.  I have a working DMX receiver that outputs 4 channels of PWM for LuxeonIII Led's used for stage lighting. If you have any links or info on com ports using assembler please post them. I am going to load it up again and see if i can get through another tutorial.

I just realized again how much I hate C++. Perhaps i would not if I could find a good reference book.


Could you comment the code that makes a FRAME. I went through the tutorials I can't follow the code yet but it looks like the Message in the data segment is actually the jump table for the calls.  I know the JNE is jump if not equal but I dont know how far it jumps with < (Back to the top of Window1Procedure?)



Window1Procedure Frame hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam
Mov Eax, [uMsg]
Mov Ecx, SizeOf MESSAGES / 8
Mov Edx, Addr MESSAGES
: Dec Ecx
Js >L2
Cmp [Edx + Ecx * 8], Eax
Jne <
Call [Edx + Ecx * 8 + 4]
L2: Return (FALSE)



Could you try to install only the command-line tools of Visual C++ 2008 beta? By this way, you can avoid that IDE full with bloatware. I installed Visual C++ 2005 Express without the IDE and I am satisfied with the result.


Hi Vortex. I had downloaded the web install version so I don't know If i have the command line version.

It's not the IDE though, it's my lack of understanding where to look to find commands for doing much of anything.
For example, could you point me to whatever reference document you use that shows the proper syntax to change for example the TEXT field of a LABEL button on a form? I tried

Formname.text = "Mytext";



But I can't get very far just trying a million combinations of I think it might be.

I can't even find much in the way of tutorials with code examples that work because of the differences in all the compilers. I did find some source at one point that had examples of how to do that but why can't I find a reference that shows me all I need to know about one small thing like this without having to pour through "war and peace".

If you can do that , I will give it another try.

On the GoBug program, perhaps someone can answer the question of source code.

Here is a screen dump of my AVR Studio Assembler with the debugger running that i use for programming AVR chips. This is a 500 lline program that is used in a tachometer circuit I designed to receive the tachometer output and pulse width modulate a voltage to the tachometer meter movement.

http://www.acousticlights.com/avrscreen.png It is so easy to program with this, I thought I might find an assembler similar to program windows, however, 

I just tried GoBug and I don't see any of the source code, is there a debugger that will show the source code as well?

Here is an example of what i am looking for in a help file. A simple indexed list of commands and exactly how to use them and exactly what they do when used.


For example the code window of GoBug compared with the code of the program loop has no reference to the actual source code. How can i step through my source code and check values etc of variables by name etc?


I finally found working links to win32.hlp and a link to asm.hlp files


Mark Jones

Quote from: metron9 on September 30, 2007, 04:35:33 PM
I just tried GoBug and I don't see any of the source code, is there a debugger that will show the source code as well?

A popular one right now is OllyDbg. Check it out: http://www.ollydbg.de/

To step through your program: Open in Olly, press F8 to step over calls, F7 to step into them. F2 to set breakpoints, F9 to execute. Stick an INT 03 in the code to set a hardcoded breakpoint, CTRL-F to search for commands. If you assemble and link with COFF debugging data, the symbols should be automatically displayed in the code. And if the linker produces .mdb listing files, (I think it's .MDB) there's a "Source" and "Source Files" option available under the Window menu which should list the source. I am unsure how well Olly works with GoAsm, but I can tell you that it will NOT display source listings created from the PoLink linker.

"To deny our impulses... foolish; to revel in them, chaos." MCJ 2003.08


Hi Mark. I downloaded WinAsm to give it a try with MASM32. So far Vist is working with it fine. I thought I was using Ollydbg because in the Tools-Options-misc- it has a path for external debugger and it has  \OllyDbg\OLLYDBG.EXE in there but i see it is using MiniDBG as a default as I searched my drive and I cant find ollydbg.exe. I will download it and give it a whirl.

I seem to be missing something though in that package,

I cant find reference help on things like .DATA and .if .else I understand how to use them from the example code but what index can I search ".DATA" or ".IF" and get the information on its use?

I was able to locate win32.hlp  and I found ASM.HLP so I have almost everything to be self sufficient.

Ramon Sala

Greetings from Catalonia


Hi metron9,

Me too, I have the web install version. Simply, uncheck the IDE option during the installation. At the end, the installer creates a shortcut in the programs menu :

Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition -> Visual Studio Tools -> Visual Studio 2005 Command Prompt

About the documentation :

QuoteDuring installation of the MSDN documentation for Express Editions, you will be prompted to select a destination folder for the documentation files.
