Hardware issues without extension use...(Fixed, but saving for future referance)

Started by kohlrak, September 05, 2007, 12:05:15 AM

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For a little posting history so you know how far i went before comming here (So i don't end up flammed): I went to the assembly board of my assembler (since it's not masm that i use), but as usual nothing done yet, a bunch of reads, but no answers or even suppositions. I just got my butt chewed out by anti-ASM guys from gamedev, so my next shot is to try to find the answer here...

Alrighty... Basically, i made a program that works fine on my hardware, fine on a friend's hardware, but when my girlfriend or the school tries viewing it, it dosn't work. It *seems* to be something to do with hardware (or lack thereof), since the windows versions are the same. First when i noticed it, it only worked when you were moving the mouse. Well, today i managed to fix that by adding a finit or two, but now i'm still having a big problem with the user controlled "ship" from showing up. It only appears when you move it with the keyboard... Anyone ever heard of anything like this?

Not much i can do in the way of converting it to MASM format for you to look at, but perhaps some one who has a dis-assembler can deconstruct the most recent binary compliation... Also, it's hard for me to debug cause i have to send it to my girlfrined or take it to school to mess with it to find out what's going wrong, and it's hard identifying what exactly makes it disappear. I don't know if it's something with the card specifically where the values must change for it to dis-appear, if the functions are handling the memory differently, whether the FPU on those machines are just wacked out or what. I included both exe files incase the older one could somehow shead some light on it. The "fighterwithfinit.exe" is the most recent compile, and the most bug free one. So, if anyone has this bug or has any idea what's behind this bug, any information could help.

EDIT: Found the issue. Certain computers don't like the overflowing of the FPU. If you overflow it, it sets off a flag and the FPU decides it's not going to work anymore until you finit it. The inconsistancy is from the fact that this isn't impliimented on all computers.

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