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Please fix my code's problem

Started by woonsan, August 26, 2007, 10:12:54 AM

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ASocket_Initialize                  proto   :DWORD, :DWORD
ASocket_Listen                     proto   :DWORD
ASocket_MessageM                  proto
ASocket_MessageP                  proto   :DWORD, :DWORD, :DWORD, :DWORD
ASocket_CallbackCode               equ      WM_USER + 1024

   ; Window
   ASocket_WindowStrc         WNDCLASSEX   <sizeof WNDCLASSEX, NULL, offset ASocket_MessageP, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL>
   ASocket_Window_hWnd         dd         0
   ASocket_Window_Message      MSG         <>
   ASocket_Window_Instance      dd         0
   ; Socket
   ASocket_Socket_WSAData      WSADATA      <>
   ASocket_Socket_Listener      dd         0

ASocket_Initialize                  proc   hInstance:DWORD, ClassName:DWORD

   ; Make a window for process message
   mov eax, ClassName
   mov ASocket_WindowStrc.lpszClassName, eax
   mov eax, hInstance
   mov ASocket_WindowStrc.hInstance, eax
   invoke RegisterClassEx, addr ASocket_WindowStrc ; Register information
   cmp eax, NULL
   mov edx, 10000000h ; Error code - on RegisterClassEx
   je PError_RC
   invoke CreateWindowEx, NULL, ClassName, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, hInstance, NULL ; Create the window
   cmp eax, NULL
   mov edx, 10000001h ; Error code - on CreateWindowEx
   je PError_RC
   mov ASocket_Window_hWnd, eax
   ; Initialize socket
   invoke WSAStartup, 202h, addr ASocket_Socket_WSAData
   cmp eax, NULL
   mov edx, 10000002h ; Error code - on WSAStartup
   jne PError_RC
   ; Start the thread of 'Message Manager'
   invoke CreateThread, NULL, NULL, addr ASocket_MessageM, NULL, NULL, NULL
   PError_RC: ; Return error code
      mov eax, edx

ASocket_Initialize                  endp

ASocket_Listen                     proc   lPort:DWORD
   local RSocket_Addr:sockaddr_in
   ; Set up sockaddr_in structure
   mov RSocket_Addr.sin_family, AF_INET ; TCP/IP
   invoke htons, lPort
   mov RSocket_Addr.sin_port, ax
   mov RSocket_Addr.sin_addr, INADDR_ANY
   ; Make a socket
   cmp eax, INVALID_SOCKET
   mov edx, 10000000h ; Error code - During make a socket
   je PError_RC
   mov ASocket_Socket_Listener, eax
   ; Bind the socket
   invoke bind, ASocket_Socket_Listener, addr RSocket_Addr, sizeof sockaddr_in
   cmp eax, SOCKET_ERROR
   mov edx, 10000001h ; Error code - During bind
   je PError_RC
   ; Listen the socket
   invoke listen, ASocket_Socket_Listener, 200d
   cmp eax, SOCKET_ERROR
   mov edx, 10000002h ; Error code - During listen
   je PError_RC
   invoke WSAAsyncSelect, ASocket_Socket_Listener, ASocket_Window_hWnd, ASocket_CallbackCode, FD_ACCEPT
   cmp eax, SOCKET_ERROR
   mov edx, 10000003h ; Error code - During asynchronous select
   je PError_RC
   PError_RC: ; Return error code
      mov eax, edx

ASocket_Listen endp

ASocket_MessageM                  proc ; Message Manager

      invoke GetMessage, addr ASocket_Window_Message, NULL, NULL, NULL
      test eax, eax
      jz short @F
      ;invoke TranslateMessage, addr ASocket_Window_Message
      invoke DispatchMessage, addr ASocket_Window_Message
      jmp short @B
   invoke Beep, 100, 100

ASocket_MessageM                  endp

ASocket_MessageP               proc   hWin:DWORD, uMsg:DWORD, wParam:DWORD, lParam:DWORD ; Message Processor

   .if uMsg == ASocket_CallbackCode
      invoke Beep, 1000, 100
      invoke Beep, 100, 100
      invoke DefWindowProc, hWin, uMsg, wParam, lParam

ASocket_MessageP                  endp

It is my asynchronous socket's code. I don't know why it doesn't occur callback.
Please catch up its problem and fix it.
I want to make a stable socket from critical attack.
If you have IOCP socket model's example what is wrote for assembly language, please give me it.
I can't find the example code.

Sorry for my poor English.