English (New) and English (UK) languages

Started by alksentrs, August 10, 2007, 11:36:23 PM

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I downloaded the RadASM Language Pack, and decided to create a UK English language file (Before this, I found that the Option > Menu Accelerators could be used to alter some menu labels, but it wasn't very good... especially as it kept complaining about Duplicate accelerator(s), and displaying an empty messagebox when I clicked Ok.)

However, I got a bit carried away with adding ellipses and things to menu items, etc, but the end result did look quite good. So, I created an "English (New)" language file (with all the UK spellings removed, but the other stuff remaining), along with 2 versions of the UK English file - one with "dialog", the other with "dialogue".

I have attached the results of all this to the post.


PS: In RadLNG.exe, if you try to preview the Project Wizard dialogs (not the first one), the program freezes; I have included a screenshot.

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