how .mnu and .dlg are made?

Started by hfheatherfox07, September 07, 2011, 02:24:15 AM

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Hi ,

I came across these many times.... I personally use ResED to compile .rc  files ....

here is an example that also has .mnu files and .dlg files:;topic=17338.0;id=9696

What app is used to compile them? were can I get it ?
also why are these files necessary if you already have an .rc file?



dlg and mnu files are files created by RadASM version 2.  It is a format that KetilO uses for that version.  Version 3 or RadASM does not use them, it uses rc files, much better.  You can "convert" a RadASM 2 project to a RadASM 3 project which will convert those mnu and dlg files to rc compatible by clicking tools in RadASM3 and convert project.  Put the project in a NEW directory before converting...

So, you have 2 choices...

1. Use RadASM 2 to modify and edit those files

2. Use RadASM 3 to convert those files...
~Rob (Gunner)
- IE Zone Editor
- Gunners File Type Editor


Thanks gunner....

I also I found this there;topic=7699.0;id=4040

I did not realize that these are RadASM specific....  What throw me off is that I have  other programs on my PC that recognized .mnu files and applied an icon to them...


Sorry about the double post... was not able to delete the one in the campus ... it was suggest that I post here :)


In one of your posts you linked to a zip with mnu, and dlg files...  What tips you off that they go with RadASM is another file in that zip... A rap file, radasm 2 project file :)  a radasm 3 project file is a prra file fyi I think, not at computer to check.
~Rob (Gunner)
- IE Zone Editor
- Gunners File Type Editor


Thanks .... at the risk of looking too dumb now ... I really did know know that A rap file was a radasm 2 project file .....
I have seen them before and disregarded them ....

I learn something new every day  :bg