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Started by ragdog, June 23, 2007, 05:49:08 AM

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hi guys

i have this code from genesys downloader

and I would like to print the downloaded  bytes in megabytes
can help their me further

OnProgressProc PROC lpThis:DWORD, ulProgress:DWORD,ulProgressMax:DWORD,ulStatusCode:DWORD,szStatusText:DWORD
     cmp ulProgress,1024
     jne @next
    inc Done
   invoke wsprintf, addr szStringBuff, CTEXT("%i Mb %i bytes"), Done,ulProgress
   invoke SendMessage, hBytes, WM_SETTEXT, 0, offset szStringBuff
   invoke SendMessage, hProgress,PBM_SETRANGE32,0,ulProgressMax
   invoke SendMessage, hProgress,PBM_SETPOS,ulProgress, 0
   mov eax, S_OK
OnProgressProc ENDP

Shantanu Gadgil


Small world ... eh!...similar software ... similar issues  :bg  :wink
I had done it in C so will post the code ... maybe that would help ?
It takes care of GB, MB, KB or Bytes

Note: File sizes larger 4GB are not handled !!!  :lol

*** The "FLOAT" part would have to be done with the help of the FPU (I think).

if(dwSize >> 30)
ff = (FLOAT) (dwSize & 0x3fffffff);
ff *= 100;
ff /= 1073741824L;

dd = (DWORD)ff % 100;

wsprintf(szTemp,"%u.%u GB",(dwSize >> 30),dd);
if(dwSize >> 20)
wsprintf(szTemp,"%u.%u MB",(dwSize >> 20),
((dwSize * 100) >> 20) % 100);
if(dwSize >> 10)
wsprintf(szTemp,"%u.%u KB",(dwSize >> 10),
(((dwSize * 100) >> 10) % 100) );
wsprintf(szTemp,"%lu bytes", dwSize);
SetDlgItemText(hDlg,IDS_SIZE, szTemp);

To ret is human, to jmp divine!



i understand not

can anywhere convert to masm32 lang for my problem

thx in forward


Hi Ragdog,

I once did a floating point routine for converting memory size in bytes to Gigabytes plus a decimal fraction, it can easily be converted to a default of megabytes. Note that this routine is not limited to 4GB.

GoAsm syntax
MemorySizeToString FRAME pDriveSize,pOutput
uses ebx
LOCAL dwDivisor :D
LOCAL float :Q

// Default is in gigabytes
mov ebx," GB"
mov eax,[pDriveSize]
// Load st0 with the size qword
fild Q[eax]
// check to see if the size is greater than 1 GB
mov D[dwDivisor],1073741824
ficom  D[dwDivisor]
fstsw ax
ja >
// check to see if the size is greater than 1 MB
mov ebx," MB"
mov D[dwDivisor],1048576
ficom  D[dwDivisor]
fstsw ax
ja >
// The size is less than a MB so measure it in KB
mov ebx," KB"
mov D[dwDivisor],1024
fild D[dwDivisor]
fdivp st1,st0

fstp Q[float]
mov eax,[float]
mov ecx,[float+4]

mov [dwDivisor],ebx
invoke szCat,[pOutput],offset dwDivisor

By the way the routine that Shantanu Gadgil posted is easily converted since it uses only API calls to do the conversion.

"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


thanks donkey :U


Shantanu Gadgil


Something along these lines ???

szGB  db  '%u.%u GB',0
szMB  db  '%u.%u MB',0
szKB  db  '%u.%u KB',0
szBytes  db  '%u bytes',0

szTemp  db  512 dup(?)


;for the MBs
mov eax, dwSize
shr eax, 20
.if eax > 0
  mov dwNum, eax
  xor edx, edx
  mov eax, dwSize
  mov ebx, 100
  mul ebx
  shr eax, 20
  xor edx, edx
  mov ebx, 100
  div ebx
  ;edx should now have the remainder
  invoke  wsprintf, addr szTemp, addr szGB, dwNum, edx
  jmp @f

;KBs here ...

;bytes here ...

invoke  SetDlgItemText, hDlg, IDS_SIZE, addr szTemp

To ret is human, to jmp divine!


Quote from: ragdog on June 23, 2007, 06:14:25 PM
thanks donkey :U


No problem Ragdog, but I should caution that my routine works on 64 bit numbers only, you can use the CDQ to convert a dword to a qword if you like however for 32 bit numbers Shantanu's routine is probably much much faster and equally as accurate. However it does not easily adapt to allowing for dynamic precision or the capability to handle truly large files (> 4GB).
"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


to donkey

it is correct convert to masm32?

MemorySizeToString proc  pDriveSize:DWORD,pOutput:DWORD
LOCAL dwDivisor :DWORD

;// Default is in gigabytes
    mov ebx," GB"
    mov eax,[pDriveSize]
;// Load st0 with the size qword
   fild QWORD PTR[eax]
;// check to see if the size is greater than 1 GB
    mov DWORD PTR[dwDivisor],1073741824
  ficom DWORD PTR[dwDivisor]
  fstsw ax
     ja @1
;// check to see if the size is greater than 1 MB
    mov ebx," MB"
    mov DWORD PTR[dwDivisor],1048576
  ficom DWORD PTR[dwDivisor]
  fstsw ax
     ja @1
;// The size is less than a MB so measure it in KB
    mov ebx," KB"
    mov DWORD PTR[dwDivisor],1024
   fild DWORD PTR[dwDivisor]

  fdivp st(1), st(0)
   fstp QWORD PTR[float]
    mov eax,DWORD PTR[float]
    mov ecx,DWORD PTR[float+4]
Invoke crt__gcvt,eax,ecx,6,[pOutput]
    mov [dwDivisor],ebx
invoke lstrcat,[pOutput], dwDivisor
MemorySizeToString ENDP

regards ragdog


Hi ragdog,

GoAsm automatically reverses quoted text moved into a register, so where you see

mov ebx, " MB"

you will have to change it to

mov ebx, "BM "

or some such. I no longer run MASM on my machine so I cannot compile the version you posted but someone here might be able to. Other than that one small issue it looks OK but I may have missed something, MASM just looks so messy to me now that I have trouble reading it.

"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable