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Installing masm32

Started by Don, May 09, 2007, 12:05:24 PM

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Hi everyone, can someone please point me to the instructions for installing the latest and greatest version of masm32. I see there is a service pack, is there anything else I should download - how often is updated, etc?

Regards, Don.



Get the download for the version 9.0 masm32 then when you have it installed properly add in the service pack for it. If you are running a late versionof XP, 2003 or Vista, turn OFF the DEP for the masm32 installation as the current install was written before DEP was introduced.
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Thanks Hutch. There were some Macro updates and listed in the same forum; Are these necessary or are they included in SP2? The tip about DEP was brilliant!

Regards, Don.


Quote from: hutch-- on May 09, 2007, 12:19:21 PM

Get the download for the version 9.0 masm32 then when you have it installed properly add in the service pack for it. If you are running a late versionof XP, 2003 or Vista, turn OFF the DEP for the masm32 installation as the current install was written before DEP was introduced.

I tried to install MASM32 on Vista 64 - and I got a DEP error... (I hadn't seen this thread yet, or forum for that matter..) However, the DEP error was for an executable called finst.exe - so even when I turn off DEP for the install.exe for MASM32, I still get the DEP error.

I tried searching for finst.exe on my system and in the files extracted from the install.exe manually but couldn't find such a file.

When you say "turn off the DEP" do you mean change it from "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select" to "Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only" ...? (which requires a reboot, it says)  or... is there something else I need to change or do, etc...?

Any thoughts/suggestions/advice, etc. to help me get MASM32 installed would be much appreciated!



The exe file finst is part of the installation and it will not run under DEP. The next version of MASM32 will run with DEP with no problems. Microsoft changed the specs for 32 bit PE files with DEP after the current version of MASM32 was published. I don't know the details of the Windows version you are running as I develop on Win2000 on purpose but I would turn DEP off for MASM32 files.
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Quote from: hutch-- on May 12, 2007, 03:51:59 PM
... turn DEP off for MASM32 files.

Thanks for the info about the next version ... is there a planned release time frame or anything...?  I'll have a look around, maybe it's somewhere obvious..  ;)

As for turning DEP off for MASM32 files - you can apparently only either "Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only" or "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select" - and you have to reboot between changes. Also, you seem to have to be able to point at an existing EXE file to add it to the list of exceptions... Which is why I wasn't able to just add finst.exe to the list of exceptions.

So.. I'll switch to the first one to install MASM32 and then switch back again... after that any files the trigger it should exist, so I can then add them.  :)

Thanks again.



Just reporting back... that DEP thing seemed to work - but I had another error.

Part way through the makelibs, I received a dialog titled "inc2l.exe - Ordinal Not Found" with the text "The ordinal 201 could not be locaded in the dynamic link library WINSPOOL.DRV"

When I checked winspool.drv from my XP Pro box I was able to find ordinals, including 201, but I couldn't find the same in my winspool.drv from this (Vista 64) machine... So I temporarily renamed the one on this machine, and copied the one from my XP box into system32 ... I was still getting the error over and over every time I clicked OK, so I terminated the batch file and manually re-ran makelibs.bat

After that, it seemed to go through all the way without complaint and said it was successful at the end... So I removed my XP winspool.drv and renamed the original back.

Hopefully there won't be too many other similar issues, but I can't imagine there will be none!  ;)




I'm having a similar error. The one with inc2l
The thing is if I run it from the tools folder, it works.. If I run in in include - fails.. Throws"memory location at address could not be read"..
After some playing, I enabled the compatibility mode and disabled DEP, and got the error with the mossing ordinal.. followed by the memory location error )

I have no idea what it is.. One of the guys on this forum said it's because of Kaspersky.. I didn't really want to uninstall to check it )

I ran the installation on a virtual machine running the same WinXP.. and copied it to my host )

Working for now ;)

Hope it'll help anyone