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Sound generator

Started by gabor, May 11, 2005, 01:16:42 PM

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Hi everyone!

First of all Faiseur,pbrennick thank for your posts about your tests!

I've considered pbrennick's advice about bringing interest into this topic by posting source. Well I must say he is right, the source can call in some enterprising soul. This is indeed a programming forum.
Ok, the attached zip contains all inc and asm files, and a makeit.bat. I put a small readme text into the zip, it will help a bit...

I hope after this source-opening there will be some who would like to create their own modules, that must fit some simple rules. Since this topic is for this project, later I will explain my concept and would like to have a discussion about it... Until then please look on my code and post your opinions and questions!

The basic oscillator has 3 inputs: rst-reset, amp-amplitude, fre-frequency. In this test network on the reset input of the 2nd oscillator's (6th module) was no module connected.

Greets, Gábor

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Hi folks!

I just wanted to tell that I am ready with a usable version of my XML parser, available here:

Now I will create a procedure that converts a network described in XML into a binary representation. This binary representation was already used in the SGN I posted earlier. There it was defined directly in the testnetwork.asm file.

I am still working on the project!
09.26: I finished the code to handle multi-level (hierarchical) networks...
Now I'll finally create the method to build up a network from XML data.

Greets, Gábor



It's been a long time I wrote something about my project...
I got a working version of the skeleton. It eats binary data only so far, some interface would be nice... I want to create a text based input and a GUI of course.
The version is not bugfree.
In the attachment there is a small test application. All the sound synth is in the ssn.lib.
Please, don't look at the given source's readibility or quality in the ssn subdir, as it reflects a premature state...

Please test the sample app and give feedback to get help finding bugs!

I also attach another app I created with full source code. About its features read the .txt file!
It doesn't use this synth system, but it is very near to it. Actually the only big difference is that in this synth app the modules are statically defined, the above skeleton makes it possble to create and destroy modules fully dynamically.
I will replace the inner synth part of the synth app to this newer dynamic system.
Wait for more  :8)

Both projects use some external libs from Ultrano, lotsof thanks to him for them!

Greets, Gábor

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