Windows find that this file is potentially harmful [MASM 8.0]

Started by Wouter, May 11, 2007, 11:35:28 AM

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Extracting the downloaded zip and running the EXE works straight away.
Saving the downloaded EXE to anywhere opens a dialog saying "the publisher could not be verified" - just like Tedd - but I can click "run" and all is OK.

I can't get a dialog that warns me about "potentially harmful"
Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem bright until you hear them.


The program will stop after 3 times executing an addition.

Thanks for compiling and executing it.

Best regards,



Here is a quick play on how to do this using MASM32 instead of Kip Irvine's code. See if this runs on the XP machine you are testing with.

; «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««
    include \masm32\include\
; «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««

comment * -----------------------------------------------------
                        Build this  template with
                       "CONSOLE ASSEMBLE AND LINK"
        ----------------------------------------------------- *


; «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««

    call main


; «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««

main proc

    LOCAL pstr1 :DWORD
    LOCAL pstr2 :DWORD
    LOCAL num1  :DWORD
    LOCAL num2  :DWORD

    push esi

    cls                         ; clear screen
    loc 20, 10                  ; set text insertion point
    mov pstr1, input("Enter 1st integer here ",62," ")  ; get the input string

    loc 20, 10
    mov pstr2, input("Enter 2nd integer here ",62," ")

    mov num1, sval(pstr1)       ; convert the strings to integers
    mov num2, sval(pstr2)

    mov esi, num1               ; copy 1st integer into ESI register
    add esi, num2               ; add the second integer to it

    loc 20, 10
    print "The total = "
    print str$(esi),13,10       ; display the result as a string.

    loc 20, 12
    print "Want to try again Y/N ?",13,10

    getkey                      ; get a single input key

    cmp eax, "Y"                ; if either Y or y try again.
    je @B
    cmp eax, "y"
    je @B

    pop esi


main endp

; «««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««««

end start

[attachment deleted by admin]
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Thanks for posting your solution, however I am looking for a solution with MASM8.0.

I hope someone in this forum has a template source that will compile the same as MASM32.

Thanks a lot in advance!




I rebuilt your example as well as the masm32 test piece using ML 8.0, there is no difference from using the earlier versions.
Download site for MASM32      New MASM Forum


Hello All,

I have solved my problem.

Just use Winrar to rar it, then send it, open it with winrar and you can just execute it.

Everybody thanks for helping me!

Best Regards,



If you use Internet Explorer 7.0, it tags certain executable file types like .exe, .chm etc. that are downloaded as "unsafe". What it does is add an NTFS Alternate Data Stream to the file that says the file is part of the "Internet Zone". Windows XP SP2 checks for this when executing programs and it doesn't allow programs tagged "Internet Zone" to run.

You can:

  1. Not use IE 7.0.  :lol

  2. Right-click the file in Windows Explorer and "unblock" it.

  3. Delete the Alternate Data Stream with Sysinternals Streams.

  4. Use WinRAR or similar to package the executable file.

I really think Microsoft has gone overboard with security.


> I really think Microsoft has gone overboard with security.

The more so through having to turn it off to get the machine to work. Absolutely lousy design from people who have forgotten what computers were designed for in the first place, to actually be useful to their users.
Download site for MASM32      New MASM Forum


Yeah I'm really getting sick and tired of it. If I want to download an exe file and run it, by god I should be able to do it without jumping through hoops.

I just recently purchased a new PC, a Pentium D 940 system. I got it without an OS because I am really torn between keeping up with things and getting Vista for it, or staying with something that works well and doesn't have all the problems, XP. I'm really having a problem deciding. I'm going to run Ubuntu on it until I make up my mind.




I do have a copy of Windows 2000 I could run on it, but I don't think I will do that.

I am posting this from the new PC right now. I am running Ubuntu 7.04. I had to get the latest version of Ubuntu for it to run correctly with this Intel motherboard. I also had to load new a video driver to get the higher video resolutions. It took me a few hours to get it installed and running right, but this Ubuntu Linux is not bad at all. I am very tempted to stay with it.

I did order a copy of Vista Home Premium. My desire to stay current on things outweighed my dislike for some of the things Microsoft is doing with Vista, like the DRM and the overdone security.