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MODx and DIVx macros

Started by ecube, May 11, 2007, 06:21:34 AM

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ecube I saw this and for a moment became excited as I thought doing mod would be that easy but doesn't appear to work. :\ and I keep running into situations where I need to use MOD and DIV but had crashes I wrote these simple macro to do it (returns result in eax)

MODx MACRO num1:REQ,num2:REQ
xor edx,edx
mov eax,num1
mov ecx,num2
div ecx
mov eax,edx

DIVx MACRO num1:REQ,num2:REQ
xor edx,edx
mov eax,num1
IF num2
mov ecx,num2
div ecx

uptime example, this isn't the best way to get your uptime as GetTickCount has a duration restriction but this example makes good use of my macros

.model flat, stdcall
option casemap:none

include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\include\
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32
includelib \masm32\lib\user32
includelib \masm32\lib\advapi32
includelib \masm32\lib\masm32

Uptime proto

            local TxtName
               TxtName BYTE text,0
            EXITM <ADDR TxtName>
MODx MACRO num1:REQ,num2:REQ
xor edx,edx
mov eax,num1
mov ecx,num2
div ecx
mov eax,edx

DIVx MACRO num1:REQ,num2:REQ
xor edx,edx
mov eax,num1
mov ecx,num2
div ecx

invoke Uptime
invoke ExitProcess,0
Uptime proc
LOCAL buffer[50]:BYTE

;total = GetTickCount() / 1000
invoke GetTickCount
DIVx eax,1000
mov total,eax

;days = total / 86400;
DIVx total,86400
mov days,eax

;hours = (total % 86400) / 3600;
MODx total,86400
DIVx eax,3600
mov hours,eax

;minutes = ((total % 86400) % 3600) / 60
MODx total,86400
MODx eax,3600
DIVx eax,60
mov minutes,eax

comment ~
DWORD total = GetTickCount() / 1000 - startup;
DWORD days = total / 86400;
DWORD hours = (total % 86400) / 3600;
DWORD minutes = ((total % 86400) % 3600) / 60;

invoke wsprintf,addr buffer, CTEXT("%dd %dh %dm"), days, hours, minutes
invoke MessageBox,0,addr buffer,addr buffer,MB_OK
Uptime endp
end start


might be a good idea to check for ecx = 0 in the div etc.. to avoid division by zero exception...


Also, if they were macro functions, returning EXITM <edx> for MODx and EXITM <eax> for DIVx then I think they would be more flexible, if not more efficient.

I tried to make a version of the MODx macro that would do the MOD with an AND for immediate values that are a power of 2, but the code turned out to be more difficult than I expected (and too difficult for this late at night).

eschew obfuscation


Thanks for the advice guys, feel free to addon/change them to fit your needs(and share if you like so others can benefit  :bg)

heres the new DivX that doesn't crash if the number your dividing by equals 0

DIVx MACRO num1:REQ,num2:REQ
xor edx,edx
mov eax,num1
IF num2
mov ecx,num2
div ecx

also MichaelW that sounds interesting with the AND instead for immediate values that are a power of 2, i'm assuming that's for optimization?

heres my go at what you're saying

MODx2 MACRO num1:REQ,num2:REQ
mov eax,num1
mov ecx,num1
and ecx,-num1
.if ecx==eax ;Is Power Of Two
;mov eax,num1
and eax,num2
xor edx,edx
mov eax,num1
mov ecx,num2
div ecx
mov eax,edx


Quotei'm assuming that's for optimization
Yes, AND being much faster than DIV.
eschew obfuscation


Just to jab my elbow in :bg
If num2 is a power of 2 in DIVx, then you can use SHR (by its power of 2, not the number itself :wink)
Annd.. if num2 is a constant value (as opposed to register/memory) then you may as well use it directly.

Isn't writing macros fun! :bdg
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


I know people like their nice tidy .IF .ELSE structures, but it obfuscates the actual ops being used and which registers/flags may be trashed by them. For instance, in your MODx2 sample you reload EAX with an identical value three times unnecessarily, E^cube. This could be a memory load...  :eek

Wouldn't this be better? Plus on exit you always have a "was num2 zero" flag set so the macro reports argument errors for you as well - the second test in this case is "free" as it occurs in parallel with the slow DIV.

DIVx MACRO num1:REQ,num2:REQ      ; possibly add num1_hi for 64-bit values
mov ecx, num2
xor edx, edx         ; or MOV EDX, num1_hi for 64-bit values
mov eax, num1
test ecx, ecx        ; set zero flag if would be divide by zero
jz div_exit

; can remove next two ops if not using 64-bit version
cmp edx, ecx         ; test for overflow before DIV
jae div_overflow

div ecx
test ecx, ecx        ; unset ZF, DIV leaves it undefined
; can remove next two ops if not using 64-bit version
jmp div_exit

sub eax, eax         ; set ZF to show no result

endm                 ; result in EDX, ZF is set to show error to the calling code
; if ECX is zero this would have been a divide by zero, else ECX is nonzero showing 64-bit overflow

Apologies if I've done something you can't in macros, I never use them.  ::)

EDIT: added possible updates for more general purpose 64-bit macro. I am not familiar enough with macros to know whether you can set a default value (ie. 0) for an argument if it's not explicitly provided. Perhaps someone can provide the necessary extra argument definition.



Thank you, I had never seen that method of determining if a number was a power of 2 before!


Quote from: E^cube on May 11, 2007, 06:02:07 PM
also MichaelW that sounds interesting with the AND instead for immediate values that are a power of 2, i'm assuming that's for optimization?

heres my go at what you're saying

.if ecx==eax ;Is Power Of Two
;mov eax,num1
and eax,num2

Um, how does this do a MOD?  :eek

If you mean num2 is a power of 2, then:
65 MOD 2 = 1 whereas 65 AND 2 = 0

If you mean num1 is a power of 2, then:
64 MOD 3 = 1 whereas 64 AND 3 = 0

This code doesn't work. What you need is the bitmask of all the powers of 2 below num2 if num2 is a power of 2. Fortunately, using your method of detecting the power of 2 you can get this easily using intermediate results. Note that you only need to load num1 and num2 once each, remember they may be memory pulls.  :wink

MODx2 MACRO num1:REQ,num2:REQ      ; possibly add num1_hi for 64-bit values
mov ecx, num2
xor edx, edx
mov eax, ecx
sub edx, ecx        ; sets ZF if divide by zero
jz mod_exit2

and eax, edx        ; keep EDX
not edx             ; and invert it for bitmask
cmp ecx, eax
mov eax, num1       ; doesn't change flags
je power2

xor edx, edx        ; or MOV EDX, num1_hi for 64-bit values
div ecx
jmp mod_exit

and eax, edx

test ecx, ecx       ; must unset ZF
endm                ; result in EAX, ZF set if ECX was zero (no result)


Quote from: Tedd on May 12, 2007, 11:50:39 AM
If num2 is a power of 2 in DIVx, then you can use SHR (by its power of 2, not the number itself :wink)

You mean, something like:

DIVx MACRO num1:REQ,num2:REQ
mov ecx, num2
xor edx, edx
mov eax, ecx
sub edx, ecx        ; sets ZF if divide by zero
jz div_exit2

and eax, edx
xor edx, edx
cmp ecx, eax
mov eax, num1       ; doesn't change flags
je power2div

div ecx
jmp div_exit

bsf ecx, ecx        ; get power of 2 in CL
mov edx, eax
shr edx, cl

test ecx, ecx       ; must unset ZF
endm                ; result in EDX, ZF is set to show divide by zero error to the calling code

Is it worth the extra overhead, though? Plus this isn't easily adaptable to 64-bit.


Yeah, you're right - it's probably too much overhead (unless there's a really nice way to find the correct power of two.)
But in the constant case then it's okay since the determination can be done at compile time rather than runtime.
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


Actually, I was a little surprised by BSF. According to the Opcodes help file that comes with MASM, for 486 BSF is VERY slow, at 6-42 clocks depending on the number of bits it has to search before first match. But according to Agner's Pentium optimisation guide, it is really quite fast, with only a 4-clock latency compared to the 50 or so for a DIV. So for newer processors, including the jump and 6 clocks for the SHR reg CL the special case optimisation isn't that bad, about five times as fast.

But how often are you likely to get a power of 2 to DIV by that you can't identify in advance and write specific code for instead of always using a less efficient do-it-all macro? Hence my extreme antipathy towards them generally.


Wow nice Ian, thanks for the posts.  :U


Glad to be of help somewhere...  :8)

But it was your neat trick of finding the power of two, as JimG noted, that made it possible. That was a real eyeopener when I checked it out in a calculator. It just needed a little followthrough and careful register handling to use the result effectively.



To do n mod m with AND you must AND n with m-1. This information was on the page that I linked, but I should have made it obvious by pointing out the error in your code.
eschew obfuscation