Need Help?Dos command "move" in assembly

Started by cathlax, May 03, 2007, 11:18:23 PM

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Hi i have a project,i want to move file from destination address to source address
How can i do it in assembly i am beginner assembly programmer??
Anynone has source code??


I don't actually know what functions the DOS MOVE command uses, so take this as a more or less educated guess. If the source and destination are on the same drive you should be able to use interrupt 21h function 56h, Rename File, to move the file. Basically, you would keep the file name the same and specify different paths. If the source and destination are on different drives, then AFAIK, as a minimum, you must:

Get the length of the source file (interrupt 21h function 4Eh, Find First File)
Allocate a buffer (interrupt 21h function 48h, Allocate Memory)
Open the source file (interrupt 21h function 3Dh, Open File with Handle)
Read the source file into the buffer (interrupt 21h function 3Fh, Read File or Device)
Close the source file (interrupt 21h function 3Eh, Close File with Handle)
Create the destination file (interrupt 21h function 5Bh, Create New File)
Write the contents of the buffer to the destination file (interrupt 21h function 40h, Write File or Device)
Close the destination file (interrupt 21h function 3Eh, Close File with Handle)
Delete the source file (interrupt 21h function 41h, Delete File)
Free the buffer (interrupt 21h function 49h, Free Allocated Memory)

You must check for errors after each function, and you should make sure that you delete the source file only after you have successfully written the contents of the buffer to the destination file.


This would work only for files that will fit in the buffer. For larger files you would need to have both files open simultaneously while you copied the data in buffer-sized chunks.
eschew obfuscation


DOS function 56h "rename" will let you move a file on the same volume e.g. C:\DIR1\FILE.TXT to C:\DIR2\FILE.TXT - it just writes a new directory entry. (In this
example I'm pretty sure that the destination path (C:\DIR2) has to exist).
But for a drive-to-drive move, you have to go through what MichaelW said, or another way:

Allocate a buffer (2k maybe)
Open the source file
Open the dest file
  Read 2k from source
  Write 2k to dest
  ...until bytesread<2k (indicates eof)
Close dest
Close source
if you get here with no errors then Delete source
Deallocate buffer
Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem bright until you hear them.


thanks but i am beginner level in assembly  ::) can you send sample codes pm ??? or program source codes like this operation??


Define what you want to do in a bit more detail.
Quote from: cathlax on May 03, 2007, 11:18:23 PM
Hi i have a project,i want to move file from destination address to source address
Are you talking about moving a file on a disk? Your use of "address" suggests memory...
Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem bright until you hear them.


Here is some "seed code." I don't understand much of the code I have for this, but I'll help where I can.
Post what you have so far, and we'll go from there.


DECLARE:         ; Messages, Storage Areas, Equates

   PATH_FILE_LEN   equ     128; 
   SOURCE_FILE     db      PATH_FILE_LEN dup (0)
   TARGET_PATH     db      PATH_FILE_LEN dup (0)
   SOURCE_END      dw      0
   TARGET_END      dw      0
   SOURCE_HANDLE   dw      0
   TARGET_HANDLE   dw      0
   SOURCE_DTA      db      44 dup(0)
   TARGET_DTA      db      44 dup(0)
   VALID_IN        db      'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz,;=',9
   VALID_NUM       equ     $ - VALID_OUT + 1
   BLKSIZE         dw      0
   LAST_BLOCK      db      0
   EVENT_FLAG      db      0
   ERR_HEAD        db      10,13,'BAC Error - $'

   NO_PARMS        db      13,10,13,10,9,9,'BAC Fast File Copy     ',13,10
                   db   13,10,9,9,'BAC [source] [destination]',13,10,10
                   db   9,9,'Ex. BAC a:\impt.txt c:\anywhere $'
CODE_START:   ; Parse command line into source & target parameters

   mov   si,80h               ; PSP parameter byte count pointer
   mov   cl,[si]              ; Move byte count to CL
   xor   ch,ch                ; Zero CH
   jcxz  NO_PARMS_PASSED      ; If CX is zero, there are no parameters
   mov   dx,cx                ; Save byte count in dx
   inc   si                   ; Point to parameter area
   mov   di,si                ; Copy SI to DI for cleanup routine
   cld                        ; Set direction flag to forward