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Debugging WIN32 Asm Applications

Started by johnsa, May 04, 2007, 11:17:07 AM

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A quick question here

For some reason I don't seem to be able to assemble/link my apps with debug mode.
It seems to be some sort of version conflict between ml and link.

I would normally run as follows:

ML /c /Zi /Zd test.asm
LINK /nologo /debug /machine:ix86 /subsystem:console /pdbtype:sept /pdb:test.pdb test

Versions are:
ML - 8.00.50727.42
LINK - 5.12.8078 and I've tried 6.00.8447

I keep getting an error msg back from link saying the pdb is corrupt. Should I downgrade the ML version and to which one (which still fully supports sse2 etc).



6.15 has SSE2 support.

According to an unrelated post in a thread about mixed language (C/C++ and VB) debugging of a dll

However, i defenately prefare WinDbg and personally for me is the best debugging tool from microsoft!
VS6 does not supprot the new pdb format from 7.0 and 8.0,WinDbg does.



You should try Olly debugger, it's a very powerfull tool.



dsouza123 is pointing you in the right direction.

Each new version of Visual Studio has a new debug format. The newer debug formats don't work with the older tools.  The ML 8.0 you are using is is producing a debug format that LINK 5.12 cannot handle. For debug builds you need to match up ML and LINK versions that work together. I would recommend using ML 6.15 (for SSE2) and LINK 5.12 or 6.0.