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Line too long error

Started by Rainstorm, April 20, 2007, 09:08:37 PM

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hi am getting a line too long error in this part of the code,...don't know why
that's the only error am getting.

the line reported for the error is the first line  invoke CreateWindowEx,

   invoke CreateWindowEx,
       NULL,\                           ; No Extended Styles
       addr wclassname,\                ; Class Name
       addr windowname,\                 ; Window Name
       WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW\             ; Overlapped Window
             or WS_HSCROLL\             ; Horizontal Scrollbar
             or WS_VSCROLL,\            ; Vertical Scrollbar
       CW_USEDEFAULT,                    ; Default Horizontal Position
       CW_USEDEFAULT,                    ; Default Vertical Position
       CW_USEDEFAULT,                    ; Default width
       CW_USEDEFAULT,                    ; Default height
       NULL,\                            ; no parent or owner window
       NULL,\                            ; class menu used
       hInstance,\                       ; instance handle
       NULL                              ; no window creation data



I think that its the comments thats causing the problem. You might try removing them first. I remember reading somewhere (iczelion tutorials?) that this can cause masm to complain about the line length.

So try:

; Create my main window etc etc here
invoke CreateWindowEx,
       addr wclassname,\ 
       addr windowname,\         
             or WS_HSCROLL\   
             or WS_VSCROLL,\ 

Best regards



QuoteI think that its the comments thats causing the problem.
Damn!.....that sucks!!!!!!! : //     : (

Wonder what's the actual reason that the comments cause a problem.
Does this happen only on functions using multiple-lines ?l

I removed all comments in that section of the code & it assembles proper.




Checked iczelions tuts for the source of that issue, but no joy.

I did find a ref in the Masm Reference Doc that i found on my hard dirve (had to search for it, havent looked at it for a long time ;-)

Hope this helps explain why:

A1009   line too long
A line in a source file exceeded the limit of 512 characters.
If multiple physical lines are concatenated with the line-continuation character ( \ ), the resulting logical line is still limited to 512 characters.

So 512 is the limit it seems, including any comments. Not sure where i actually sourced this document, but if you want a copy pm me and i can forward it on to you.




many thanks for the info.


It also includes whitespace, so replacing spaces with tabs can really cut down on these problems.

Alternatively, you may get more mileage out of not using the line-continuation character and just relying on MASM knowing that a comma isn't the end of a line (like with the first line: invoke CreateWindowEx,). I'm not sure if it semi-blindly concatenates these in the same way or not.


Zooba :U