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SEH Macros

Started by junihausen, February 20, 2005, 09:13:29 PM

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I made some new Exceptionhandling macros. Perhaps anyone has some ideas what could be done better.

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Randall Hyde

Quote from: junihausen on February 20, 2005, 09:13:29 PM
I made some new Exceptionhandling macros. Perhaps anyone has some ideas what could be done better.

I've not downloaded your macros yet, but you might want to look at the try..exception..endtry macros I wrote as part of the UCR Standard Library for 80x86 Assembly Programmers, v2.0, about 10 years ago. These didn't support SEH, but they came relatively close to doing the same thing SEH does. If you look at the output of the comparable statements in HLA (which does use SEH), you can easily see how to modify the UCR stdlib macros to support SEH.

Randy Hyde