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My First Assembly Program

Started by reconmax, April 07, 2007, 12:00:44 AM

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PWDGEN is a password generator I wrote in x86 Assembly using MASM32. I decided to write this program to learn more about assembly programming. It has been a long time since I have programmed in assembly and I have always missed it.

I decided to write a password generator after hearing a well-known security expert discussing personal password policies on his podcast.

The idea is to construct an algorithm you can easily remember and use it to generate passwords for various accounts you have on the internet. For example, if you need a password for a web-site at, you might apply your secret password algorithm to the seed value, "somewebsite" to obtain a password you don't have to remember. You simply have to remember the algorithm you used to generate it and you can use the same algorithm over and over.

I really like the idea of a personal password policy and I have my very own which I use regularly. It is different than the one implemented in PWDGEN. 

The algorithm implemented in PWDGEN yields an eight character password. It is;

(Cap3rd + last + 2nd + count%4 + count%3 + 1st + !||$(odd or even) + CapCountAlphaPointer)

1st Character - Capatilize the 3rd character of the seed value if it is an alphabetic character, otherwise just use the third character.
2nd character - Take the last character, if it is alphabetic, change it to lower-case, if its not alphabetic, just use the last character.
3rd character - Take the 2nd character, if it is alphabetic, change it to lower-case, if its not alphabetic, just use the 2nd character.
4th character - Create a numeric character by using a modulus operation on the length of the seed value, divide the seed value by four and use the remainder as the 4th character.
5th character - Create a numeric character by using a modulus operation on the length of the seed value, divide the seed value by three and use the remainder as the 4th character.
6th character - Take the 1st character, if it is alphabetic, change it to lower-case, if its not alphabetic, just use the 1st character.
7th character - Select a special character by determining if the length of the seed value is odd or even, for odd use "!", for even use "$".
8th character - Use the length of the seed value to select a letter from the alphabet and capitalize it. Start counting from "A".

So if we use "somewebsite" as our seed value, we get;


Now, I know its probably a bad idea to to actually document your secret algorithm in an assembly language application and I'm sure the security expert I mentioned earlier would cringe at the thought. Anyone capable of dis-assembling the program could determine the algorithm and use it to break your passwords if they got their hands on it.

However, it was a fun exercise and I'm on my way to doing some more assembly programming. I was thinking about adding functionality to let a user personalize the algorithm.
I will post the source in the next post...



Ok. Here are the files. Any pointers would be appreciated...




----------------START MAKEFILE-----------------------
$(NAME).exe: $(NAME).obj $(NAME).res
        Link /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /VERSION:4.0 /LIBPATH:c:\masm32\lib /DEBUG $(NAME).obj $(NAME).res
$(NAME).res: $(NAME).rc
        rc $(NAME).rc
$(NAME).obj: $(NAME).asm
        ml /c /coff /Cp /Zi /Zf /I"c:\masm32\include" $(NAME).asm
-----------------END MAKEFILE--------------------------

-----------------START PWDGEN.RC--------------------------
#define IDD_DIALOG1 101
#define IDC_GRP1 1001
#define IDC_EDT1 1002
#define IDC_EDT2 1003
#define IDC_BTN1 1004
CAPTION "  Password Generator"
FONT 8,"MS Sans Serif",0,0
STYLE 0x10CB0800
EXSTYLE 0x00000088
  CONTROL "Enter Seed Value",IDC_GRP1,"Button",0x50000007,1,0,213,74,0x00000000
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT1,"Edit",0x50010000,12,15,192,11,0x00020000
  CONTROL "",IDC_EDT2,"Edit",0x50010000,12,57,192,11,0x00020000
  CONTROL "GO",IDC_BTN1,"Button",0x50010000,85,34,44,12,0x00000000

-----------------END PWDGEN.RC--------------------------

-----------------START PWDGEN.ASM--------------------------
-----------------END PWDGEN.ASM--------------------------
.model flat, stdcall  ;32 bit memory model
option casemap :none  ;case sensitive


includelib kernel32.lib
includelib user32.lib
includelib Comctl32.lib
includelib shell32.lib

ToLower         PROTO   :BYTE
ToUpper         PROTO   :BYTE
GetMod         PROTO   :BYTE,:BYTE
IsEven         PROTO   :BYTE


IDD_DIALOG1         equ 101



hInstance         dd ?


   AppName db "PWDGEN",0
   sdlen BYTE 0
   sdbuffer db 55 dup(?)
   password db 55 dup(?)
   IDC_EDT1 equ 1002
   IDC_EDT2 equ 1003
   IDC_BTN1 equ 1004



   invoke GetModuleHandle,NULL
   mov      hInstance,eax

    invoke InitCommonControls
   invoke DialogBoxParam,hInstance,IDD_DIALOG1,NULL,addr DlgProc,NULL
   invoke ExitProcess,0


DlgProc proc hWin:HWND,uMsg:UINT,wParam:WPARAM,lParam:LPARAM

   mov      eax,uMsg
   .if eax==WM_INITDIALOG

   .elseif eax==WM_COMMAND
      mov eax,wParam
            .IF ax==IDC_BTN1
                invoke GetDlgItemText,hWin,IDC_EDT1,ADDR sdbuffer,512
                ;Get the third character in sdbuffer
                ;check to see if it is a lower case alphabetic character
                ;If it is, Capitalize it
                ;If it is not a lower case letter, just leave it as is
                ;Place it in the first position of password
                mov ebx, offset sdbuffer
                xor eax, eax
                mov ah, byte ptr [ebx+2] ;move the 3rd char to ah
                invoke ToUpper, ah
                ;place the character in ah into the first position of password
                mov ecx, offset password
                mov byte ptr [ecx], ah   
                 ;Find the last character in sdbuffer and
                 ;Place it in the 2nd position of password
                 mov esi, ebx
            cmp byte ptr [esi], 0
               je found_the_end
               inc esi
               inc sdlen
               jmp next_byte

            dec esi
                ;now ebx points to beginning,
            ;and esi points to the end of string.          
                ;and sdlen recorded the length of sdbuffer
                ;Place last char the 2nd position of pwdbuffer
                mov ecx, offset password
                mov ah, byte ptr [esi]
                invoke ToLower,ah
                mov byte ptr [ecx+1], ah
                  ;find the 2nd character in sdbuffer and
                  ;place it in the 3rd porition password
                  mov ebx, offset sdbuffer
                  xor eax, eax
                  mov ah, byte ptr [ebx+1] ;move the 2nd char to ah
                  invoke ToLower,ah
                  mov ecx, offset password
                  mov byte ptr [ecx+2], ah ;move the char in ah to the 3rd position   
                 ;The 4th character of password will be calculated
                 ;by taking the modulus value of the sdbuffer length
                 ;divided by the value 4, i.e. sdlen%4 or
                 ;the remainder of sdlength/4
                 mov al, 4
                 invoke GetMod, [sdlen], al
                 ;mov sdlen,0               ;don't re-initialize sdlen, will be used again
                 mov ecx, offset password
                 add ah, 30h               ;convert the value in ah to a numeric character
                 mov byte ptr [ecx+3], ah    ;move the character in ah to the 4th position
                ;The 5th character of password will be calculated
                 ;by taking the modulus value of the sdbuffer length
                 ;divided by the value 3, i.e. sdlen%4 or
                 ;the remainder of sdlength/3
                 mov al, 3
                 invoke GetMod, [sdlen], al
                 mov ecx, offset password
                 add ah, 30h               ;convert the value in ah to a numeric character
                 mov byte ptr [ecx+4], ah    ;move the character in ah to the 4th position
            ;find the 1st character in sdbuffer and
                  ;place it in the 6th porition password
                  mov ebx, offset sdbuffer
                  xor eax, eax
                  mov ah, byte ptr [ebx] ;move the 1st char to ah
                  invoke ToLower,ah
                  mov ecx, offset password
                  mov byte ptr [ecx+5], ah ;move the char in ah to t41Hhe 6th position 
            ;Next Learn About Odd/Even, Look at least significant bit (LSB)
            ;Divide the length of the seed by 2, if the remainder is zero
            ;it must be even,
            ;if the length is an even number use '$' else use '!'
            invoke IsEven, [sdlen]
            cmp ah,1      ;If ISEven==true
            jne oddnum
            ;it must be even select '$'
            mov ecx, offset password
            mov ah, '$'
                  mov byte ptr [ecx+6], ah    ;move the character in ah to the 7th position
                  jmp eighth
            ;it muist be odd select '!'
            mov ecx, offset password
            mov ah, '!'
                  mov byte ptr [ecx+6], ah    ;move the character in ah to the 7th position
            ;Use the length of the sed value sdbuffer as a pointer index
            ;to a letter in the alphabet starting with A=1, B=2, C=3, etc...
            ;Capitalize the letter and place it into the 8th position
            mov ah, byte ptr [sdlen]
            add ah, 40h
            mov ecx, offset password
                  mov byte ptr [ecx+7], ah
            mov sdlen,0               ;re-initialize sdlen
         ;(Cap3rd + last + 2nd + count%4 + count%3 + 1st + !||$(odd or even) + CapCountAlphaPointer)
         ;Place the constructed password in IDC_EDT2
         invoke SendDlgItemMessage, hWin, IDC_EDT2, WM_SETTEXT, 0, ADDR password
   .elseif eax==WM_CLOSE
      invoke EndDialog,hWin,0
      mov      eax,FALSE
   mov      eax,TRUE


DlgProc endp
ToLower proc char:BYTE
            mov ah, char
               cmp ah, 41h
               jl not_uprcse_ltr
               cmp ah, 5Ah
               jg not_uprcse_ltr
               add ah, 20h      ;lower case letter

ToLower endp
ToUpper proc char:BYTE
         mov ah, char
            cmp ah, 61h
            jl not_lwrcse_ltr
            cmp ah, 7Ah
            jg not_lwrcse_ltr
            sub ah, 20h      ;upper case letter

ToUpper endp
GetMod proc dvdnd:BYTE, dvsr:BYTE
           xor eax, eax
           xor ebx,ebx
           mov al, dvdnd
           mov bl, dvsr
            div bl

GetMod endp
IsEven proc dvdnd:BYTE
           xor eax, eax
           xor ebx,ebx
           mov al, dvdnd
           mov bl, 2
            div bl
         ;Remainder is in ah
         cmp ah, 0
         je evennum
         mov ah, 0
         jmp LeaveIsEven
         mov ah,1   ;Number is even so return true

IsEven endp
end start


Your GetMod procedure is returning the quotient instead of the remainder. DIV returns the quotient in AL/AX/EAX and the remainder in DL/DX/EDX.

Bit 0 is set for odd numbers and clear for even numbers. With just two logical operations you can produce a result of 1 for even and 0 for odd.
eschew obfuscation


Quote from: MichaelW on April 07, 2007, 04:18:06 AM
Your GetMod procedure is returning the quotient instead of the remainder. DIV returns the quotient in AL/AX/EAX and the remainder in DL/DX/EDX.

Bit 0 is set for odd numbers and clear for even numbers. With just two logical operations you can produce a result of 1 for even and 0 for odd.

Thanks. I'll check it out.

For the GetMod proc, doesn't the DIV op return its results based on the size of the data it is executed on? Since in this case, the dividend and the divisor are both BYTES (8-bits), aren't the return values confined to the AX register (quotient in AL and remainder in AH)?


Sorry, I'm only half awake. Yes, for a byte division the quotient is returned in AL and the remainder in AH.
eschew obfuscation


Wow! I just found masm32.lib. I see that I could have used it to do some of the work like;

(szLen) get the length of the sdbuffer
(szLower & szUpper) convert case
(InString) isolate individual characters in sdbuffer



Quote from: reconmax on April 07, 2007, 04:45:13 AM
Quote from: MichaelW on April 07, 2007, 04:18:06 AM
Your GetMod procedure is returning the quotient instead of the remainder. DIV returns the quotient in AL/AX/EAX and the remainder in DL/DX/EDX.

Bit 0 is set for odd numbers and clear for even numbers. With just two logical operations you can produce a result of 1 for even and 0 for odd.

Thanks. I'll check it out.

For the GetMod proc, doesn't the DIV op return its results based on the size of the data it is executed on? Since in this case, the dividend and the divisor are both BYTES (8-bits), aren't the return values confined to the AX register (quotient in AL and remainder in AH)?

What about the odd/even thing you are describing above? Are you saying I could determine the odd/even nature of a number in a better/easier way? Are you saying that some flag bits are set or something? Which flags and which operation would cause it? Sorry, but I don't understand what two logical ops to perform or how to observe the resulting bit you mention...

And thanks for you help...



The bit values, starting with bit 7, are 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, and 1. Since all of the other bit values are even, bit 0 alone determines whether the number is odd or even. One method would be to isolate bit 0 by ANDing the value with 1, and then XOR the result with 1.

1 XOR 1 = 0
0 XOR 1 = 1
eschew obfuscation