BooksCollection (with source code)

Started by Manos, December 20, 2004, 03:12:00 PM

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I had build this project for personal use,but I think that it will be applicative for others.
Therefor,I upload this with source code.
By a small modification,you can use this as SongsCollection.
Download this from:


Robert Collins

OK, I assembled Frame.asm. It compiles OK but it doesn't work. There is no menu bar



From menu File press New.
Then,menu bar will change and appears in menu the 'Wiew'.
Press View and then press Main Form.


Robert Collins

Quote from: Manos on December 31, 2004, 08:39:55 AM

From menu File press New.
Then,menu bar will change and appears in menu the 'Wiew'.
Press View and then press Main Form.


Yes, that is exactly how it works if you run the already included .exe file. However, I reassembled the application using Frame.asm as the main source file. It assembled and linked without any problems but when I run the new .exe file the window appears just as it does in the included .exe file but it is missing the menu bar. There are place-setters for the menu items but they are missing the text and do not have any functionality. Below is link to the .exe file so you can see what I am talking about



You are right.
I 'll try to fix the problem.

Thank you,



Unzip the attach file,add in the project folder and try again.


[attachment deleted by admin]

Robert Collins

Didn't help, same problem. Maybe it's the way I am assembling it. Since there was no build file attached I simply used the assemble/link feature of QEditor. It assembles clean that's for sure.



Because you use QEditor the problem is in name of .rc file.
Change the name from ColectRes.rc to rsrc.rc

Try the attach file.

[attachment deleted by admin]

Robert Collins

OK, that didn't work either. I am just too new at this Win32 assembly stuff to know right from wrong but I am beginning to think that there is no way to assemble the project using QEditor's 'Assemble and Link' feature. I think it requires a build.bat file which has that stuff in it about including resource files. I have seen something like that but have no idea how to put one together myself.


Hi Robert,

Why not try RadASM, it is a much more powerful RAD system. The dialog editor is top notch and you will find the wealth of plugins and tools designed specifically for it make coding much faster.
"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


My source code is OK.
I builded this work with two differnts IDEs without problem.

For Donkey:
Have you any problem when build this code ?



Hi Manos,

I did not try to build it, it is in MASM and though I have a copy of MASM somewhere it is no longer installed on my system. Converting it to GoAsm was an option but I have not looked into it too closely. I am afraid I just don't have the time I used to to look at other's projects so it takes a while to get to them sometimes. I will take the time to re-install MASM once I reformat later this month.
"Ahhh, what an awful dream. Ones and zeroes everywhere...[shudder] and I thought I saw a two." -- Bender
"It was just a dream, Bender. There's no such thing as two". -- Fry
-- Futurama

Donkey's Stable


The problem seems to be in .rc file

If you use QEditor,
compile rsrc.rc,then assemble Frame.asm and then link.
Or select build.


Robert Collins

Quote from: Manos on January 01, 2005, 10:22:54 PM
The problem seems to be in .rc file

If you use QEditor,
compile rsrc.rc,then assemble Frame.asm and then link.
Or select build.


OK, I assembled rsrc.rc first. Then I opened up 'Frame.asm' and tried to build it with QEditor. But now, instead of QEditor's 'Assemble and Link' doing anything it just sits there waiting for me to enter something which I have no idea what. I can assemble/link other projects without any problems but for some reason it wants me to input something for this project. :(


Copy the folder BooksCollection and paste this in folder masm32.
Then open QEditor from masm32 folder,open Frame.asm and then
from menu Project press ' Compile Resource File ',then press ' Assemble Asm File ',
then press Link Obj file.

Or press Build All.
