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Trailing blanks in single line edit

Started by Jimg, March 20, 2007, 01:48:21 PM

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Hi Paul-
I'm not doing anything so complicated or exciting (boring? hah!).  I'm just getting variable length lines from the user, so I'm relying on the control to feed me the lines one at a time.  As the whole subject of this thread, the trailing blanks are significant.  I'm just upset when I can't find documentation and I have to guess what's going on with windows now.

As a little preview of what I'm doing, it's a program to search files for strings.  I use it primarily to search the many megabytes of code examples I have collected to see how an api is used or to find something I've done in the past.  You put the strings you want to search for in the top rich edit, one string per line, blanks are significant.  In the bottom richedit, you can enter strings that will disqualify a line.  eg. I want all lines that contain abc but not if it's abcd.

I've got a ton of things to still do to it, but it's functional.  Just not for files over 4GB at the moment.

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