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Started by hitchhikr, February 23, 2007, 12:34:33 PM

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Hi hitchhikr,

I'm on Windows XP Home Edition, am using the latest DX (9.0c) and have got a PowerColor Radeon X1800XT, and yes, I did try the ESC-key without any result. Then I tried TABbing out of the window and also tried the WIN-key (the key with the Windows logo on it) and nothing happened. I eventually had to force a reboot, but fortunately, I had no important stuff running at the time so I lost nothing.


Yeah the window is a topmost one, maybe it's a drivers problem ? Do you have the latest ones installed ?

It's probably because i don't use exitprocess, but normally it works on the windows 2k or xp it was tested on, also it was tested on ati & nvidia gfxcards with success.