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new install

Started by alan, March 19, 2012, 01:00:11 AM

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Purchased new computer and it is Windows 7 Home Premium with 64 bit and a seciton for 32 bit progs.

This is new ground for me.

After looking through the Setup.txt file was not sure where I could put the EasyCode install.

Can it go on the C: drive or should it go in the Program Files x86 folders?

Thanks for assistance.

Ramon Sala

Hi Alan,

Thanks for using Easy Code.

You can put EC wherever you like in any of your hard disks (even in a USB stick). I personally have it in G:\EasyCode.Ms or G:\EasyCode.Go.


Greetings from Catalonia


Thanks Ramon.

I was concerned about how it worked with 32 and 64 and whether it was important!

Like your idea of USB stick. Gives use to any computer. Though drive letter may differ?

Ramon Sala

Hi Alan,

Yes, any drive letter will fit. I have several drives, so I chose "G:" for EC and projects but it can be any other drive letter (even "C:").

Greetings from Catalonia


I placed the EasyCode folder on the C:\ drive on the 64 bit machine and it runs OK.

Just have to find out how to code in GoASM.

Work through examples I suppose is the way to go.

Ramon Sala

Yes, working through the examples is a good way to start with. Also, you can find very good GoAsm examples at Donkey's Stable ( You just have to adapt them to Easy Code. Oh, and I highly recommend you to download and install the GoAsm Headers (available for free at Donkey's Stable). Please see the 'Using the GoAsm headers' topic in the Easy Code help file. Once the GoAsm headers are installed, check the Use the GoAsm headers in the Easy Code Tools-->Settings menu (General tab).

Greetings from Catalonia