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Started by Yevgeny, February 05, 2005, 06:38:30 PM

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Hey I am new here   :dance: and I have a question. I have recently srarted studying assembler
and I am looking for a program that I would be able to write in and implement my programs
(and preferably she would find my syntactic mistakes). Does anyone has a link?  ::) 
Any help will be appreciated


yeah, sure.
It took me a while to understand what you wanned but after reading it a lotta times I got it
- you search for an IDE.
that's gotta say it in an easy sentence..  :bg

check this one:

it's free, and best is, the masm-compiler is already included !! :bg

you've to configure the hole lot of options like you were using the masm-compiler via console.
(and also include libs, etc...)
that'll be a lil bit messy.


Yeah I've got some typos there...
Thank you very much for the link...I've downloaded the program but unfortunately it has some errors, at least in my comp - when i write it doesn't show properly the letters and i cannot run it.
If you've got another link or smth I will be grateful.
Or maybe i didn't adjust the options .. help me out please.


I'm back..
sorry I don't know any other ASM IDE.
but I also think this is the best one and it worked on my computer after standard installation.

WTF do you mean by
Quotewhen i write it doesn't show properly the letters
properly ? - how is that to be understood :red

Quoteand i cannot run it.
run whom ? - a written program or the IDE ?

this is kina confusing, I ask myself:
if you weren't able to write "properly", how could you then write a program,
otherwise if the IDE is meant, how can you know that you cant write properly in the IDE if you weren't able to start it. :bg

sorry I really didn't got it yet.
So where's the big fish ?
If you can tell me some more detail, I'll try to figure it out.



Have you tried the MASM32 package which contains its own editor "QEditor" and a large number of other goodies. It's available from the website. Look at the top right corner of this page for the link.

When you assume something, you risk being wrong half the time


I've downloaded MASM32 now. I can't run any program - I enter the QEditor (without doing anything initally after installing) and it doesn't give me an option to run it...How am I supposed to do it? I've been told smth sbout "options" or "configuration"... Anyone, please guide me what to do after I install the program