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Pointer to faster 32-bit signed long divide?

Started by swsnyder, January 21, 2007, 04:28:39 AM

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 have an app whose bottleneck, on a 32-bit Pentium4, is _lldiv, This is VS2003's standard "long long" division routine.  That is, a signed 64-bit integer is divided by another signed 64-bit integer.

Can anyone point me to a faster routine that does the same thing?  This code will always be run on machines with at least SSE, so SIMD instruction are OK.

I've attached MS's code for comparison.


[attachment deleted by admin]


If you only need the quotient of the division as the result, it can be handled very easily with floats, and almost as fast as a division by a 32-bit number.
It would be slightly more complicated and a bit slower if you also want the remainder as a 64-bit integer.

Let me know if you are interested in this approach.

When you assume something, you risk being wrong half the time


I have found an old snippet with a macro that implements a qword division. It has to be checked, since I'm not sure if it works.



; Macro:     qqdiv
; Purpose:   Divides 2 unsigned QuadWords. Uses edi, esi.
;            Output:  edx::eax = quotient of division of dividend by divisor
;                     ecx::ebx = remainder of division of dividend by divisor
; Arguments: edx::eax = dividend
;            ecx::ebx = divisor

qqdiv macro
    local @@Exit

    or ecx, ecx             ;;check if ecx is zero
    jnz @F
    qddiv                   ;;Perform qddiv
    xor ecx, ecx            ;;ecx = remainder-hi = zero
    jmp @@Exit
    push edx                ;;save
    push eax                ;; dividend
    mov esi, ebx            ;;divisor now in
    mov edi, ecx            ;; edi:ebx and ecx::esi
    shr edx, 1              ;;shift both
    rcr eax, 1              ;; divisor and
    ror edi, 1              ;;  and dividend
    rcr ebx, 1              ;;   right by 1 bit
    bsr ecx, ecx            ;;ecx = number of remaining shifts
    shrd ebx, edi, cl       ;;scale down divisor and
    shrd eax, edx, cl       ;;  dividend such that divisor
    shr edx, cl             ;;   less than 2^32 (i.e. fits in ebx)
    rol edi, 1              ;;restore original divisor (edi::esi)
    div ebx                 ;;compute quotient
    pop ebx                 ;;get dividend lo-word
    mov ecx, eax            ;;save quotient
    imul edi, eax           ;;quotient * divisor hi-word (low only)
    mul esi                 ;;quotient * divisor lo-word
    add edx, edi            ;;edx:eax = quotient * divisor
    sub ebx, eax            ;;dividend-lo - (quot.*divisor)-lo
    mov eax, ecx            ;;get quotient
    pop ecx                 ;;restore dividend hi-word
    sbb ecx, edx            ;;subtract divisor * quot. from dividend
    sbb edx, edx            ;;0 if remainder > 0, else FFFFFFFFh
    and esi, edx            ;;nothing to add
    and edi, edx            ;; back if remainder positive
    add ebx, esi            ;;correct remaider
    adc ecx, edi            ;; and quotient if
    add eax, edx            ;;  necessary
    xor edx, edx            ;;clear hi-word of quot (eax<=FFFFFFFFh)


On further examination (this isn't my code)  I see that that it is only a 32-bit signed quotient that is needed for output:

typedef struct point {
    int32_t x;
    int32_t y;
} point_t;

typedef struct line {
    point_t p1;
    point_t p2;
} line_t;

int32_t compute_x (line_t *line, int32_t y)
    int32_t dx = line->p2.x - line->p1.x;
    int64_t ex = (int64_t) (y - line->p1.y) * (int64_t) dx;
    int32_t dy = line->p2.y - line->p1.y;

    return ( line->p1.x + (ex / dy) );

So the real work is to divide a 64-bit signed int by a 32-bit signed int and return the 32-bit signed quotient.

In other words, the use of VS2003's _lldiv() is total overkill for this.  The division that so dominates the profiling can be done with a single idiv instruction.

Sigh.  Sorry for wasting everybody's time.