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Subforum for creating 2D or 3D based models

Started by gabor, January 09, 2007, 02:37:53 PM

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First of all sorry for the lame subject and maybe this is not the right place for my post, however the topic is addressed to rather advanced coders. (Moderator, please move the topic if necessary!).

Now the subject:
I came across many demos (64kB intros and the big ones) with tons of good looking fx, furthermore I am often thinking about how real physical systems like the water surface or fire or air motion, turbulance could be modeled as realistic as possible. My initiative is to give an wider opportunity to discuss these ideas.
Since this could involve several projects maybe it would be sane to create a subforum for it.
This post has 2 purposes: on one hand it is a question to Hutch about the possibilities of creating such a subforum; and on the other hand it is intended to check the need for such topics. So, please feel free to add your opinions, suggestions, post!
I think if there were many interested members to add the subforum would be no problem.

This thread should be used for suggestions as well about what should be modeled. Of course I got many concepts and designs, so if nobody would think of anything there still would be enough subject to deal with for several month. (Of course this depends on the number of productive members.)

Greets, Gábor


The topic itself is certainly interesting, but is an assembly forum the right place?

When talking about advanced graphics, you program shaders, which is a separate language.


Hi Stan!

Maybe I didn't make myself clear enough. The programer does not have to use a high level language to create a "simulation" that is also visulized. I don't want to bother with shaders or rendering (there is D3D or OGL for that purpose) this is the level that displays those objects I want to deal with.
A simple example: I want to create a program that simulates the movement of specific particles. The presentation can be a simple DDraw code putting points or bitmaps onto the screen. What I'd like to work out is the modelling of the movement using physics and mathematics as needed, so I can determine the positions of those points or bitmaps...
I hope it makes more sense now :bg

Greets, Gábor


Translation: "Game Physics" / "Realistic Modelling", not graphics.
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.


Could be a whole new forum in itself ( a pretty interesting one too.. ) if you plan to tackle physics/maths aspects like:  inverse kinematics, turbulence algorithms ( which is used not only for fog, but texture and bump map generation and many others including movement of things like flocks / simple (good 'ol vector balls) or swarms. Sure direct3d and opengl would display the rendered pictures, but as far as I know they won't do the physics crunching for you.  When I used to look at this stuff years ago it was mostly simple data structures and algorithms that would surely benefit from optimised assembly code.

Might be a nice idea for a sub-forum. big area.  :U

[ Later:   for particles look into vector balls, flocking theory and turbulence ( which is used to affect the paths of each particle differently...but as one)  more ideas thinking about animation with physics:  paths, gravity effects ( like a rubber ball squishes when it hit the ground, stretching when going up), better collision detection, turbulence->halos->realistic fire/clouds/textures more convincing than a texture bitmap, Better movement etc... I never had much success with water though ]