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Complier Errors in Debug mode

Started by Star, December 16, 2006, 11:42:46 PM

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I'm fairily new to all this. Learned a little C some time ago. It sort of snagged my attention w/the possibilities. Reading AOA now. I've installed HIDE ( Great Program ) and use MASM with HLA. Followed a thread about install probs w/MASM. Finally figured out a semi-colon missing in Set Path statement. Have also incl.'ed OllyDbg in Path.
Problem now is that in Debug mode receive the following. Don't know where 'ignoring.hla' comes from nor why there is a Process Error.  :eek

===== Active Options =====
FORMAT: Win32 COFF output
-m active, will generate mapfile
Generating CONSOLE Executable
Output Name: SignExtension.exe
TEMP folder: C:\HIDE\Projects\SignExtension\temp\
INCLUDE folder: C:\HIDE\hlainc
HLALIB folder: C:\HIDE\hlalib\hlalib.lib
LIB folder: C:\HIDE\hlalib
Using Custom Link Section
Processing Files:
Compiling :ignoring.hla
hlaparse.exe -@ -v -sm -ddebug -ddebug "ignoring.hla"

HLA (High Level Assembler) Parser
Released to the public domain by Randall Hyde.
Version Version 1.86 build 8951 (prototype)
File: ignoring.hla
Output Path: "C:\HIDE\Projects\SignExtension\temp\"

Could not open ignoring.hla
C:\HIDE\Projects\SignExtension\temp\ignoring.asm Error with program execution
Process Error :C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c  KHLA -u:SignExtension.hpr

kmake [1.0.009]   0.00s
Processes Launched :1
Process Errors     :1


Can you tell me which version of HIDE you are using?
This only happens in debug mode?
Also, you may have misunderstood debug mode.  The HIDE switch for debug mode is for use with the debug window. 

If you want to use it with Ollydebug, you have to set the path for Olly in the debugger field of "Set Paths" menu and click the debug options in the advanced linker dialog.


Hi Sevag,

Thanks, you're right! :bg Misunderstanding. 'Run w/Debug' works just fine. Using HIDE v 1.2.240. I try to keep up-to-date. Olly was already in paths.
What threw me was the caption 'Polink Options' in advanced linker dialog. Since I wasn't using Polink didn't consider part of Masm link. Everything
else, for the time being, is OK.