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About local variables.

Started by hyperon, December 19, 2006, 01:38:30 PM

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To create local variables, it can be done by declaring variables in some LOCAL statements, as the following:

TestProc proc
    LOCAL var1:byte
    LOCAL var2:word
    LOCAL var3:dword
    mov al,var1
    mov ax,var2
    mov eax,var3

TestProc endp

After assembling, above code, it is translated as the following code:

Section _text

0040101A: 55                   push ebp
0040101B: 8BEC                 mov ebp, esp
0040101D: 83C4F8               add esp, FFFFFFF8
00401020: 8A45FF               mov al, [ebp-01]
00401023: 668B45FC             mov ax, [ebp-04]
00401027: 8B45F8               mov eax, [ebp-08]
0040102A: C9                   leave
0040102B: C3                   ret

Question 1. Why does assembler use 'add esp, FFFFFFF8', not 'sub esp,7'?
Question 2. Why does 'mov ax,var2' be translated as 'mov ax, [ebp-04]', not 'mov ax, [ebp-3]'?


masm keeps the local WORDs 2-byte aligned, and DWORDs 4-byte aligned.
ESP should always be dword-aligned, thus the "add esp,-8" . On older cpus, "add" was faster than "sub", iirc.
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Thanks, Ultrano.
About Question1, I suspect that "add" is faster than "sub" on older CPUs.
Maybe your recall losts something, I look up in the instruction cycle of 'add' and 'sub', whatever CPU, they are the same, for examples:

add sp,0FFF8h; 4 cycles
sub sp,8     ; 4 cycles

add sp,0FFF8h; 4 cycles
sub sp,8     ; 4 cycles

add sp,0FFF8h; 3 cycles
sub sp,8     ; 3 cycles

add esp,0FFFFFFF8h; 2 cycles
sub esp,8         ; 2 cycles


Oh, I don't mean cycles. I mean micro-ops and picoseconds, due to the a bit higher complexity of a subtraction ALU unit  :toothy.
Anyway, it doesn't really matter.
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LOLĀ  :bg

seriously [NOT] ... probably because A[DD] is alphabetically superior to UBB ...

who cares is actually probably "THE" most correct cycle wize answer ...

but I bet some-one will tell you why... eventually...

as to Ultrano 's initial original post in this regard - It's fact...

Does this code make me look bloated ? (wink)


Less uOps? But to perform a sub didn't we just change an input in the ALU from 0 to 1?


To Draakie:

LOL, seriously, perhaps you are right, 'add' is alphabetically superior to 'sub', so macro assembler uses 'add'. But other assembler doesn't think so, for instance, coding the following codes by Fasm:

proc TestProc stdcall
     local var1:BYTE,var2:WORD,var3:DWORD
     mov al,[var1]
     mov ax,[var2]
     mov eax,[var3]

they are translated as below:

Section _text

00402006: 55                   push ebp
00402007: 89E5                 mov ebp, esp
00402009: 83EC08               sub esp, 00000008;fasm uses 'sub'!
0040200C: 8A45F8               mov al, [ebp-08]
0040200F: 668B45F9             mov ax, [ebp-07]
00402013: 8B45FB               mov eax, [ebp-05]
00402016: C9                   leave
00402017: C3                   ret

Does anyone make experiment under other assemblers?


I am not sureif it has anything to do with it, but I believe the cpu actually carries out a SUB instruction by first negating the number to be subtracted and then adding it anyway.  :dazzled:


It's even worse:
X - Y = X + (~Y +1) . But actually this extra "+1" can be directly fed as a previous carry on the lowest bit's unit. So, for SUB you'd be just adding a XOR element right after Y, and control whether it inverts the input (Y). Thus, it will be really the same timing of add and sub if they share the unit in this way.

Though, cpu manufacturers probably have come up with faster solutions to their ADD/SUB units, I haven't gotten my hands on specific schematics yet ^^. 
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QuoteIt's even worse:

That will sure give me a new appreciation for twos complement numbers!


Accidentally stumbled on this nice set of lectures, in lab 1 describes an add/sub unit, with that "input carry on sub" and xor optional negation of input. And the optimization of the unit by partitioning it into a "bypass addition unit" schematic.
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Try logic->arithmetic and logic units ;)


Thanks, Ultrano.
Although the data on the website( is detailed, I don't understand the data fully, so I can't judge whether it is true.
Let us stop the further argument, and see the following:

TestClass struct

          var1 byte ?
          var2 word ?
          var3 dword ?

TestClass ends

TestProc proc

         LOCAL @foo:TestClass
         lea esi,@foo.var1; esi = offset @foo
         assume esi:ptr TestClass
         mov al,[esi].var1
         mov ax,[esi].var2
         mov eax,[esi].var3
         assume esi:nothing

TestProc endp

After assembling, above codes are translated as the following codes:

0040101A: 55                   push ebp
0040101B: 8BEC                 mov ebp, esp
0040101D: 83C4F8               add esp, FFFFFFF8
00401020: 8D75F8               lea esi, [ebp-08]
00401023: 8A06                 mov al, [esi]
00401025: 668B4601             mov ax, [esi+01]
00401029: 8B4603               mov eax, [esi+03]
0040102C: C9                   leave
0040102D: C3                   ret

If MASM keeps the local WORDs 2-byte aligned, and DWORDs 4-byte aligned, then 'mov ax, [esi+01]' should be 'mov ax,[esi+2]', and 'mov eax, [esi+03]' should be 'mov eax, [esi+4]'. Why does macro assembler translate them as the non-aligned codes?


For flexibility reasons. We'd be tearing hair if we didn't have that, in some cases, related to compatibility with C-compiler-generated code.
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Thanks. Appending question, does MASM also handle similar cases for other compilers by the same way?