devloping a text edtor using masm611....

Started by ravs11, September 30, 2006, 09:03:07 PM

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need to develop a dos text editor with masm611 only ...plz help me out


you need a character buffer. it will hold all your text. you need a pointer to determine what section you are displaying of the text both vertically and horizontally. you need some kind of interface so that a person can use it.


Quote from: ravs11 on September 30, 2006, 09:03:07 PM
need to develop a dos text editor with masm611 only ...plz help me out

This little editor was published in the PC Magazine. It was written in assembley language. Source code and documentation are

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I reckon that a file/text editor should be the first project any newbie does once they know a bit about assembly.
A kind of advanced hello world program
Everything you learn from that one project can be carried into almost anything at all.