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Can you verify that my code works?

Started by fol67, January 28, 2007, 08:53:56 PM

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Hey guys, I am from Jinx, and no one there knows ASM, I am part of a project to design a console based oeprating system in QBasic, we have gone through numerous converters and decompilers to turn our QB code into asm 286. I would like to be sure that the code works, I am not asking you  to compile it or to even be thourough. I just want someone to take a quick peak at the code and tell me if it seems  functional. I would be very indebted to you if you did this for me.

;BASM v3.0,      .bas to .asm converter
;FirstBasic,     BASIC Debugger
;,   Teching me how to code in QBasic
;Linus Torvalds, Inspiring me to want to make an free OS
;Mark Overmars,  Getting me interested in programming in the first place


MaxString Equ 81

Code Segment Byte Public
Code Ends

Data Segment Word Public
Data Ends

Stak Segment Word Stack
DW  128 DUP (?)
Stak Ends

Dummy Segment Para Public
Dummy Ends

Code Segment
Assume CS:Code,DS:Data,ES:Nothing,SS:Stak

;                    Release Unused Memory

Mov  BX,Seg Data
Mov  DS,BX               ;Set data segment
Mov  BX,Seg Dummy        ;End of pgm
Mov  AX,CS               ;Start of pgm
Sub  BX,AX               ;Calc pgm size
Add  BX,16               ;Paragraphs in Stack + 1
Mov  AH,4AH              ;Shrink mem
Int  21h                 ;Thru Dos
Push DS
Pop  AX                 
Mov  ES,AX               ;Set ES to DS
Mov  DefSeg,AX           ;Set DefSeg to DS
Call GetCursor
;                        ;Translation begins
     Call Cls
;print "Welcome to Basic-OS"
     Mov  SI,Offset $tring_01
     Call PrintStr
     Call SetCursor
     Call DoCrLf
;print "The folllowing is a list of supported commands:"
     Mov  SI,Offset $tring_02
     Call PrintStr
     Call SetCursor
     Call DoCrLf
;print "1-----------Displays this list"
     Mov  SI,Offset $tring_03
     Call PrintStr
     Call SetCursor
     Call DoCrLf
;print "2-------Brings up a calculator"
     Mov  SI,Offset $tring_04
     Call PrintStr
     Call SetCursor
     Call DoCrLf
;print "3----Clears the current screen"
     Mov  SI,Offset $tring_05
     Call PrintStr
     Call SetCursor
     Call DoCrLf
;IF a = 1 then
     Cmp  A,1
     Je   $+5
     Jmp  _EndIf_01
;print "1-----------Displays this list"
     Mov  SI,Offset $tring_03   
     Call PrintStr
     Call SetCursor
     Call DoCrLf
;print "2-------Brings up a calculator"
     Mov  SI,Offset $tring_04   
     Call PrintStr
     Call SetCursor
     Call DoCrLf
;print "3----Clears the current screen"
     Mov  SI,Offset $tring_05   
     Call PrintStr
     Call SetCursor
     Call DoCrLf
;goto 1
     Jmp 1
;end if
;IF a = 2 then
     Cmp  A,2
     Je   $+5
     Jmp  _EndIf_02
;INPUT "Enter first number " b
     Mov  SI,Offset $tring_08
     Call PrintStr
     Call KBInput
     Mov  DI,Offset $_0_
     Call Val
     Mov B,AX
;INPUT "Enter second number " c
     Mov  SI,Offset $tring_10
     Call PrintStr
     Call KBInput
     Mov  DI,Offset $_0_
     Call Val
     Mov C,AX
;PRINT "Addition answer for these numbers is " b + c
     Mov  SI,Offset $tring_12
     Call PrintStr
     Call SetCursor
     Mov  AX,B
     Call Printnum
     Mov  AX,+
     Call Printnum
     Mov  AX,C
     Call Printnum
     Call DoCrLf
;PRINT "Subtraction answer for these numbers is " b - c
     Mov  SI,Offset $tring_13
     Call PrintStr
     Call SetCursor
     Mov  AX,B
     Call Printnum
     Mov  AX,-
     Call Printnum
     Mov  AX,C
     Call Printnum
     Call DoCrLf
;PRINT "Division answer for these numbers is " b / c
     Mov  SI,Offset $tring_14
     Call PrintStr
     Call SetCursor
     Mov  AX,B
     Call Printnum
     Mov  AX,/
     Call Printnum
     Mov  AX,C
     Call Printnum
     Call DoCrLf
;PRINT "Multiplication answer for these numbers is " b * c
     Mov  SI,Offset $tring_15
     Call PrintStr
     Call SetCursor
     Mov  AX,B
     Call Printnum
     Mov  AX,*
     Call Printnum
     Mov  AX,C
     Call Printnum
     Call DoCrLf
;goto 1
     Jmp 1
;end if
;if a = 3 then
     Cmp  A,3
     Je   $+5
     Jmp  _EndIf_03
     Call Cls
;goto 1
     Jmp 1
;end if
;print "Invalid command"
     Mov  SI,Offset $tring_16
     Call PrintStr
     Call SetCursor
     Call DoCrLf
;goto 1
     Jmp 1
     Mov  AH,4Ch
     Xor  AL,AL
     Int  21h
     GetCursor Proc Near
     Mov  AH,3
     Xor  BH,BH
     Int  10h
     Xor  AX,AX
     Mov  AL,DL
     Inc  AL
     Mov  $Xcur,AX
     Mov  AL,DH
     Inc  AL
     Mov  $Ycur,AX
     GetCursor Endp
     SetCursor Proc Near
     Mov  AX,$Xcur
     Mov  DL,AL
     Dec  DL
     Mov  AX,$Ycur
     Mov  DH,AL
     Dec  DH
     Mov  AH,2
     Int  10h
     SetCursor Endp
     MoveStr Proc Near
     Or AL,AL
     Jnz MoveStr1
     MoveStr Endp
     Len Proc Near
     Push CX
     Push SI
     Push DI
     Mov  DI,SI
     Xor  AL,AL
     Mov  CX,0ffffh
     Repnz Scasb
     Not  CX
     Dec  CX
     Mov  AX,CX
     Pop  DI
     Pop  SI
     Pop  CX
     Len Endp
     Val Proc Near
     Xor  BX,BX
     Mov  $Var1,BX
     Mov  SI,BX
     Mov  CX,1
     Mov  AX,[DI]
     Xor  AH,AH
     Cmp  AL,AH
     Je   ValPop
     Cmp  AL,48
     Jb   ValBadChr
     Cmp  AL,57
     Jg   ValBadChr
     Sub  AL,'0'
     Push AX
     Inc  SI
     Cmp  AL,45
     Jne ValMore
     Mov  $Var1,1
     Inc  DI
     Jmp  ValLp
     Cmp  SI,0
     Je   ValNil
     Pop  AX
     Mul  CX
     Add  BX,AX
     Mov  AX,CX
     Mov  CX,10
     Mul  CX
     Mov  CX,AX
     Dec  SI
     Cmp  SI,1
     Jge  ValPop
     Mov  AX,BX
     Jmp  ValExit
     Xor  AX,AX
     Cmp  $Var1,1
     Jne  Valgone
     Neg  AX
     Val Endp
     Str$ Proc Near
     Cmp  BX,1
     Je   SkipPad
     Mov  [DI],Byte Ptr 32
     Inc  DI
     Xor  BX,BX
     Cmp  AX,32768
     Jb   NumIsPos
     Neg  AX
     Mov  [DI],Byte Ptr '-'
     Inc  DI
     Xor  CX,CX
     Mov  BX,10
     Inc  CX
     Xor  DX,DX
     Div  BX
     Push DX
     Cmp  AX,0
     Jne  StrMore
     Pop  AX
     Add  AL,'0'
     Mov  [DI],AL
     Inc  DI
     Loop EmitDgt
     Xor  AX,AX
     Mov  [DI],AL
     Str$ Endp
     PrintNum Proc Near
     Mov  DI,Offset $_1_
     Xor  BX,BX
     Call Str$
     Mov  SI,Offset $_1_
     Call PrintStr
     Call SetCursor
     PrintNum Endp
     Cls Proc Near
     Push  BP
     Mov   AH,0Fh
     Int   10h
     Cmp   AL,4
     Je    ClsGraphics
     Cmp   AL,0dh
     Je    ClsGraphics
     Cmp   AL,0eh
     Je    ClsGraphics
     Cmp   AL,10h
     Je    ClsGraphics
     Cmp   AL,0fh
     Je    ClsGraphics
     Cmp   AL,11h
     Je    ClsGraphics
     Cmp   AL,12h
     Je    ClsGraphics
     Cmp   AL,13h
     Je    ClsGraphics
     Mov   AH,06
     Xor   AL,AL
     Mov   BX,$Attr
     Mov   BH,BL
     Xor   CX,CX
     Mov   DH,24
     Mov   DL,79
     Int   10h
     Xor   BX,BX
     Xor   DX,DX
     Mov   AH,02
     Int   10h
     Mov   $Xcur,1
     Mov   $Ycur,1
     Jmp   ClsEnd
     Mov   $Xcur,1
     Mov   $Ycur,1
     Mov   BX,BgColor
     Xchg  BH,BL
     Xor   CX,CX
     Mov   DL,79
     Mov   DH,43
     Mov   AX,0600h
     Int   10h
     Pop   BP
     Cls   Endp
     PrintStr Proc Near
     Call Len
     Push AX
     Mov  CX,AX
     Cmp  CX,0
     Jle  PS_3
     Mov  BX,$Attr
     Mov  AX,$Ycur
     Mov  DI,$Xcur
     Push DS
     Push ES
     Dec  AX
     Dec  DI
     Cmp  DI,0
     Jg   PS_1
     Xor  DI,DI
     Mov  DX,80
     Mul  DX
     Add  DI,AX
     Shl  DI,1
     Mov  AX,0B000H
     Mov  ES,AX
     Mov  AH,0FH
     Int  10H
     Cmp  AL,07H
     Je   PS_2
     Mov  AX,0B800H
     Mov  ES,AX
     Mov  ES:[DI],BL
     Inc  DI
     Loop PS_2
     Pop  ES
     Pop  DS
     Pop  AX
     Add  $Xcur,AX
     PrintStr Endp
     DoCrLf Proc Near
     Mov  $Xcur,1
     Inc  $Ycur
     Cmp  $Ycur,26
     Jne  CrLf_1
     Dec  $Ycur
     Mov  DX,Offset $CrLf
     Mov  AH,9
     Int  21h
     Mov  BX,$Xcur
     Mov  DL,BL
     Dec  DL
     Mov  BX,$Ycur
     Mov  DH,BL
     Dec  DH
     Xor  BX,BX
     Mov  AH,2
     Int  10h
     DoCrLf Endp
     kbInput Proc Near
     Mov  AX,$Xcur
     Mov  $Var1,AX
     Mov  AX,$Ycur
     Mov  $Var2,AX
     Call SetCursor
     Mov  BX,0
     Mov  CX,255
     Mov  DX,Offset $_0_
     Mov  AH,3fh
     Int  21h
     Mov  $Var3,AX
     Mov  SI,Offset $_0_
     Dec  SI
     Inc  SI
     Mov  AL,ES:[SI]
     Cmp  AL,13
     Jne  KBFindCR
     Xor  AX,AX
     Mov  ES:[SI],AL
     Call GetCursor
     kbInput Endp
Code Ends

Data Segment


$Xcur        DW 1
$Ycur        DW 1
$Attr        DW 7
$CrLf        DB 13,10,'$'
FgColor      DW 7
BgColor      DW 0
Err          DW 0
DefSeg       DW 0
$Var0        DW 0
$Var1        DW 0
$Var2        DW 0
$Var3        DW 0
$Var4        DW 0
$Var5        DW 0
$Var6        DW 0
$Var7        DW 0
$Var8        DW 0
$Var9        DW 0
$Var10       DW 0
$Var11       DW 0
$Var12       DW 0


$tring_01    DB "Welcome to Basic-OS",0
$tring_02    DB "The folllowing is a list of supported commands:",0
$tring_03    DB "1-----------Displays this list",0
$tring_04    DB "2-------Brings up a calculator",0
$tring_05    DB "3----Clears the current screen",0
$tring_06    DB "> ",0
A            DW  0
$tring_08    DB "Enter first number ",0
B            DW  0
$tring_10    DB "Enter second number ",0
C            DW  0
$tring_12    DB "Addition answer for these numbers is ",0
$tring_13    DB "Subtraction answer for these numbers is ",0
$tring_14    DB "Division answer for these numbers is ",0
$tring_15    DB "Multiplication answer for these numbers is ",0
$tring_16    DB "Invalid command",0


$_0_         DB  MaxString DUP(?)
$_1_         DB  MaxString DUP(?)


Data Ends



20 people have read this an no one has replied, so I will

The basic fact is: No

Here are the reasons:
1. This code uses Interrupt 21h which requires DOS.
2. The program you are using didn't correctly convert your code here:
     ;PRINT "Addition answer for these numbers is " b * c
     Mov  AX,/
     Call Printnum
  That is actually the first place off the top of my head that the assembler would show errors.

Now, here is the bad news.  QBasic Code + BASM will never be able to write an Operating System

Operating Systems don't all have to be complex, but the basic fact is you _MUST_ have some knowledge of x86 software creation at low levels before it would ever be possible to do this.


I have been seeing attempts to do this sort of thing for years, and parts of the code above even look familiar. The main problem is that QBasic depends on an underlying OS and cannot operate without it, and the same goes for any code developed from QBasic. The attachment is a DOS program that executes QBasic and records and displays the total number of interrupt 21h calls, and the function number of the called functions. If you simply close the welcome dialog and exit, QBasic makes (directly or indirectly) 127 interrupt 21h calls to 12 functions. If you close the welcome dialog, enter the following source, save it, and run it before exiting, QBasic makes 338 interrupt 21h calls to 26 functions. The program determines the function number from the value in AH, so it cannot differentiate sub-functions, so the number of individual functions called is probably somewhat higher.

OPEN "monitor.asm" FOR INPUT AS 1
   LINE INPUT #1, a$
   PRINT a$

[attachment deleted by admin]
eschew obfuscation