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old things usually died out

Started by Xor Stance, January 30, 2005, 01:28:14 AM

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Xor Stance

As I remember we don't need machine code anymore for our study. But at least we need the main system off for it to be able to run it
on the computer. Asm is old and is somehow dying but, still we need to rise it. I thought before in learning all the html versions to see;
how much bloated code it contains? But I read in the main company of Cyberpages; that XML it's an improvement and designs from HTML. HTML sometimes could view documents with errors; is bloated code. XML will not have all this kinds of problems and if you don't know HTML, better don't learn it. Start with XML, somehow the main company definitely might have all the books and documentations for all of this to leave it as history. If not, none will believe that HTML exist in future. But my last thing I would do for x8086 and x80386 is one of the most complete and best documentations for system engineer. For 64, another person has to make it, not me.   


It is impossible for ASM to die beacuse ASM is the language the miroprocesor knows :D
All other HLL languages are based on ASM so computer can live without C/C++/Java/NET/Avalon and all other
highle level oranizational things but can not live without ASM.

And for doing Highlevel compilers programmers need to know ASM.

HTML is the base for XML but is is hardly a programming language. It is more a web page description language.
The problems with it come from so many standards and the ways Browsers like nOT to respet the existaing standards.
Otherwise HTML suites its purpose very well.
Until organizations have come in. XML is just an organizational layer over HTML is not bringing anything new or usefull but doh yet another set of tools and problems. You can organize text as much as you want and name it as you please be it SuperXXXML or whatever is not bringing anything new to the world.

I thought we have discussed this before, usually bloating an ASM board with things about HLL and you fears about the future is not what we do expect from our honest members, i would like to see an improvement in your posts XorStance
or please restraing your self from posting pointless discussions not related to real ASM work.

You must be very young not to know that old things die out slower than new pop-up things.
I have seen many languages come and die out and ASM is still here to stay.

After you have learned about 50 programming languages in your life and used them all, lets us see how excited you are when a newbie comes along with yet another revolutionary language from the backdor of his mind.

I sugest that you do improve your posts Subject and content.
Ambition is a lame excuse for the ones not brave enough to be lazy.

Xor Stance

Ok I understood, but the XML I guess it's true. I before had once, an XML file compare to the HTML; it's much better. Has less bloated code, it will have a better designs and improvements from HTML. It will be totally replaced.


Come on Bogdan, don't be so harsh...  :P
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Quote from: Xor Stance on January 30, 2005, 07:00:34 PM
Ok I understood, but the XML I guess it's true. I before had once, an XML file compare to the HTML; it's much better. Has less bloated code, it will have a better designs and improvements from HTML. It will be totally replaced.
Xor, you are totally wrong on this one.
XML is not HTML, and it is not designed as a replacement for HTML. It is actually a mark-up language used to hold and describe data, HTML is a formatting language, they are both designed to do different things. XML cannot be shown directly as a web page, first it must have an XSLT transformation applied to it, and then you end up with.... HTML.

Xor Stance

Well, I confuse it was XHTML. I'm happy that it will be optimize and much better and newer designs.