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Drag And Drop

Started by ernest33, November 16, 2006, 03:06:25 PM

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Hello  :bg
I'm playing around with drag & drop to get a pidl from any system object.
I've done all work to get drop handler working, but i can't get the pidl from STGMEDIUM.hGlobal...
I have found this
         ;#define HIDA_GetPIDLFolder(pida) (LPCITEMIDLIST)(((LPBYTE)pida)+(pida)->aoffset[0])
         ;#define HIDA_GetPIDLItem(pida, i) (LPCITEMIDLIST)(((LPBYTE)pida)+(pida)->aoffset[i+1])

in the msdn SDK, but don't find the way to translate that in masm  :dazzled:.

Could someone have a clue to help me  :bg please.

Best regards

PS : I've already done that in Pascal & C++, i was thinking it will be easy to port to masm but  :naughty:


The clue is ......... to use c++ code and disassemble it .
Perhaps also if you give the name of the heaser,this could help


Hi ToutEnMasm the header is "shlobj.h".

I'm using the 'DragDropObj.asm' by Ketilo to handle D&D in masm. I'm modifing the "IDropTarget_Drop" to be able to get an ITEMIDLIST.
I think i'm in the good direction because i got a good CIDA structure (i have the right number of items when i drop something [number of items in CIDA.cidl]).
The problem is to extract the data from CIDA.aoffset which is an array of offset to got the pidl  :dazzled:.

;medium is STGMEDIUM struct.
;pida is ptr to CIDA struct.
;all of them found in shlobj.h

invoke GlobalSize,medium.hGlobal
mov pidlsize,eax
push ebx
invoke GlobalLock,medium.hGlobal
mov ebx,eax
assume ebx:ptr CIDA
mov pida,ebx
assume ebx:nothing
mov ebx,pida
assume ebx:ptr CIDA   ;now i have good CIDA in ebx

the problem is to use CIDA.aoffset dd 1 dup(?).

I'll take a look about disassembling a c++ program but i know i'm a newbies...anyway there's nothing impossible  :dance:

Ernest33 :bg


i don't know if you are askining for this. but it might be also useful. i have coded procedure which detects if something was dropped into a certain control in a dialogbox.

align 16
DragInControl proc _hdrop:dword,_dlg_handle:dword,_control_id:dword

LOCAL local_retvalue :byte
LOCAL item_rect :RECT


lea esi,item_rect
lea ebx,pt

assume esi:ptr RECT
assume ebx:ptr POINT

mov local_retvalue,0

invoke GetDlgItem,_dlg_handle,_control_id ;get handle of item
invoke GetWindowRect,eax,esi ;get x,y position and size of the item
invoke GetCursorPos,ebx

invoke PtInRect,esi,[ebx].x,[ebx].y
.if eax
mov local_retvalue,1 ;file was dropped into this item

assume esi:nothing
assume ebx:nothing

movzx eax,local_retvalue ;1=dragged into control else 0
DragInControl endp

.elseif message==WM_DROPFILES
;---query drop---
lea esi,local_buffer ;recieves filepath
invoke DragQueryFile,wparam,0,esi,sizeof local_buffer ;return lenght

invoke DragInControl,wparam,hwnd,EDIT_BOX
.if eax==1
;file was dropped into this control

;---free memory--
invoke DragFinish,wparam


Thank diablo2oo2. Very interristing.
But this code is only able to retrieve information of normal file. The thing i want to do with masm is to be able to get a system element like "My Computer" or "Network connection" (these are some kind of virtual element). I already done that in c++ & Pascal.
I hope i finally find an answer by myself or with the help of someone. I will really happy to put what i found here to maybe help someone else  :wink



It's more clear now.
It seems  that there is a more simple way to do this

invoke SHGetSpecialFolderPath,hWnd,addr chemin,CSIDL_Something,NULL



Hello ToutEnMasm :bg
This is useful...when you have a PIDL which point to a special folder with a real path. It don't work for "My Computer" or "Printers".
In my case i don't have yet PIDL, it is in the structure CIDA i got from a drag&drop. What i need is a way to get the pidl.
What i know :
CIDA.cidl is the number of dropped objects
CIDA.aoffset(?) containt the pidl(s)

What i understand about getting the pidl :
CIDA + CIDA.aoffet(0) containt the root of the pidl of the parent folder.
CIDA + CIDA.aoffet(i+1) containt the pidl

I hope i'm enough clear because my english is not very good  ::)



it would translate to something like this...
HIDA_GetPIDLFolder macro pida:req
mov eax,pida
exitm <[eax].CIDA.aoffset[0*4]>

HIDA_GetPIDLItem macro pida:req, i:req
mov eax,pida
exitm <[eax].CIDA.aoffset[i*4+1*4]>

mov esi,HIDA_GetPIDLFolder(pida)
mov edi,HIDA_GetPIDLItem(pida,2)

assume esi:nothing, edi:nothing
The truth cannot be learned ... it can only be recognized.


Great drizz !!
I'm now back on the road. Thanks a lot :clap:
I have some works to do and i'll put the final here  :bg . I hope this will help someone too  :toothy
