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enhancements request

Started by thomas_remkus, September 07, 2006, 04:09:19 PM

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I would love to have :

... a dropdown in the toolbar that allowed be to choose between debug and release very easily. And for that, I would like to add my own options to this list so I can have a "Super Debug" or "Experimental Release" or whatever so I can compile very easily.

... the parameters list under the "Project | Project Options" have it's textboxes be multiline and much larger in height. I can not see all of my options and would LOVE to have these boxes be multi-line.

... the colors allow for not only foreground but also background for my code. For me, I like "White Snow" and want to have my strings as foreground=darkRed and background=veryPaleRed. This allows me to see in an INSTANT the start and stop of all my strings as they have a seperate background. This goes the same for my comments which I would like to have as a slightly different shade from my background so comments really stand out (or dim actually).

... an "errors" area sort of like the "output" window but it would be more of a grid with "filename", "error code", "description". This way I can see each error and not need to scan the output for issues. Then this grid would allow me to double click on a row and be taken there easily.

... a seemingly odd bug where the Project Explorer panel does not detect the new color I have selected for it. "white".

... ability to set each file's compile options. For instance, I am working with Visual Studio 2005 and MASM32 and need to compile X, Y, Z and then have certain operations complete. It would be awesome to have the compile options to setup each of these as needed.

... ability to set each file's color coding for syntax based on the extension. I would like to have ASM be one way, HTML another, and c/cpp/h another.



Hi Thomas

Many good ideas here. Should keep me busy for the next two years or so. :green

I will see what time permits.




Today I got to know with RadAsm... It seems very handy
I got 2 questions that can make the IDE more comfortable (for me it is really practical as it is now, but who knows...)

1. Is it possible to get RadAsm highlite the structures I declared? It is quite strange, that in the syntax highlite option there is a section for structures and on the other hand when right-clicking on a structure name anywhere in the code the structure's declaration can be accessed via the context menu. So, there is highliting for structures and there is the tracing of user-defined structures. How can these get togather?

2. Can be the properties of the source files get to be remembered? It would be quite good to have the include files show the structures or constants, the asm files show the code, etc...

After all, I am really satisfied with this editor, true, that I had to have a long fight with the make menu, but finally I got it right.

Greets, Gábor