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Link Error

Started by jbecerra37, November 08, 2006, 01:50:55 PM

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Hi, Folks, I am starting with masm32, I am trying to compile, link and build this assembler program:

.model flat, stdcall
option casemap :none   ; case sensitive
include d:\masm32\include\
include d:\masm32\include\
include d:\masm32\include\
include d:\masm32\include\
includelib d:\masm32\lib\user32.lib
includelib d:\masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
includelib d:\masm32\lib\gdi32.lib


   hProcess                      dd 0
   hThread         dd 0
   oldPrio         dd 0
   oldPrioClass                                   dd 0
   theLoWord                      dd 0
   theHighWord      dd 0   


invoke  GetCurrentProcess                             
mov     hProcess,eax                                   
invoke  GetPriorityClass,hProcess                     
mov     oldPrioClass,eax                             
invoke  GetCurrentThread                             
mov     hThread,eax                                   
invoke  GetThreadPriority,hThread                     
mov     oldPrio,eax                                   

invoke  SetPriorityClass,hProcess,REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS       ; equ 100h
invoke  SetThreadPriority,hThread,THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL ; equ 0Fh
invoke  Sleep,10                                     
mov     theLoWord,eax                                 
mov     theHighWord,edx                               

invoke  Sleep,500                                     

sub     eax, theLoWord                                 
sbb     edx, theHighWord                             
mov     theLoWord, eax                               
mov     theHighWord, edx                             

invoke  SetThreadPriority,hThread,oldPrio             
invoke  SetPriorityClass,hProcess,oldPrioClass         

mov     eax,theLoWord                                   
xor     edx,edx                                         
mov     ebx,500000                                   
div     ebx                                           


When I compile the program there is no error, but when I link it the next error appears: "LINK : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _WinMainCRTStartup Prueba.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals".

In other posts some people obtain the same error and the solution appears to be downloading a Link16 executable, I have already tried this fix but it has not been succesful, moreover, my OS is Windows 2000 Professional SP 4 which I think is 32 bits OS. Could you please help me?. I am using MASM32 9. Thanks in advance.


Try this
start proc
    invoke GetCurrentProcess
    div ebx
    {I assume you will do something with the DIV result here}
    invoke ExitProcess,0
start endp
end start

The 'end' directive needs a label to tell the linker where the entry point of the program is.
(You won't need the 16-bit linker, this is pure win32 code.)
Light travels faster than sound, that's why some people seem bright until you hear them.


Thank you sinsi, the problem has been solved.


can also be

;;/// Your code
invoke exitprocess,NULL
another proc
another endp

end start