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Started by ic2, November 08, 2006, 05:28:36 AM

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How and what secure method would I use to encrypt the  code and data section doing *assemble time* and have code inside to decrypt the executable at *time of  execution*.

I read a most interesting suggestion that it's best to encrypt the code with a separate custom build app, throw away the key and place the decrypting code  inside the app.

I founded a working copy of Blowfish and a few XOR's routines including the one below, but not sure where to start inserting things or *what what* to call if build into a separate app to achieve what I am after.

What do you think about the One-Time-Pad method and how would one implement it.  Can the code below be converted to a one-time-padding or is it much more to it than that.  Sorry if I sound lame.  I'm just beginning to get into this.

Thanks in advance.

invoke Crypt, ADDR myText

Crypt proc Address :DWORD
mov ebx, Address
invoke lstrlen, Address
mov ecx, eax
mov eax, ebx
mov bl, 233
mov dl, [eax]
xor dl, bl
mov [eax], dl
inc eax
loop Plah
Crypt endp


What is the purpose of the encryption? There are several methods for doing it, there may be a better approach than the one you are trying.



Sluggy, Sluggy, where are YOU

Seems like you lifted your skirt and headed for the hills.  What a question on a question ...  Evidently, there is no better way than the way I brought it.
Come on down.  All is well, anyway.  But i do feel bad that this question got blocked with you strange question.  You know it don't take much.  Thisis the 2nd time for me in a row.

Anyway, no problem.  It's a B trying to protect anyway.  No one got the ball anymore even to try.  I even read a thread that proved the un-packing of FSG so to hell with it all.  I have no more questions.  I'll do what i have always done.  WATCH and watch ONLY...

I edit this so it don't leave the graveyard of dead threads.

Have a nice day