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Linker Documentation

Started by Paule, October 26, 2006, 08:23:52 AM

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I have just begun a new project, this time a utility which is to be placed in the boot sector of a logical drive. It reqires 16 bit assembly which I (believe) can handle.

But -- how do I make the linker generate a real FLAT binary (not COM nor EXE)?

Can anybody provide me a link to a linker documentation which also covers my subject?

Thanks in advance


SolASM creates the type of binary you are talking about here. Currently, it is the only type it can create. You are looking in the wrong place for a solution, by the way. It is the assembler that creates what you want, not the linker.

Using ml.exe, just make sure you do not include /coff or /omf to get a flat assembly.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website



this is a boot sector sample:

;--- boot sector sample
;--- to get a simple binary of size 512 3 things are important
;--- 1. provide a start address with "END"
;--- 2. place org 7C00h at the start of ".CODE"
;--- 3. link with /TINY (MS OMF linker)

        .model small

        org 7c00h
        JMP     realstart
db "MSDOS5.0"
        dw 200h ;bp+0B bytes/sector
        db 1 ;bp+0D sector/cluster
        dw 0001 ;bp+0E reserved sectors
        db 2 ;bp+10 number of fats
        dw 00E0h ;bp+11 root dir entries
        dw 18*80+2 ;bp+13 number of sectors
        db 0F0h ;bp+15 media byte
        dw 0009 ;bp+16 sectors/fat
        dw 0012h ;bp+18 sectors/track
        dw 0002 ;bp+1A number of heads
        dd 0 ;bp+1C FAT16 number of hidden sectors
        dd 0 ;bp+20 FAT16 total number of sectors
        db 0 ;bp+21 FAT16 logical drive number
        db 0 ;bp+22 FAT16 reserved
        db 29h ;bp+26 FAT16 extended signature (28h/29h)
        dd 0 ;bp+27 FAT16 serial number
        db "NO NAME    " ;bp+2B FAT16 volume label
        db "FAT12   " ;bp+3  FAT16 file system type
        XOR     AX,AX
        MOV     DS,AX
        MOV SS,AX
        MOV SP,7C00h
        MOV     BP,offset start

        jmp waitforever

        org 7C00h + 1FEh

dw 0AA55h

end start