Winsock2 - where can I find the .INC and .LIB files for developing Winsock2 ASM?

Started by charles, December 11, 2006, 09:16:10 PM

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Hi there - can any kind soul direct me to a site containing WS2_32.INC and WS2_32.LIB which I understand are required for developing Winsock2 applications in assembler? I am an experienced assembler programmer generally but this is my first attempt at network TCP/IP programming. Any other suggestions or tutorials in Winsock programming would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


They're already present in the masm32 package.

However, they're not 'necessary' for winsock programming (any version) - wsock32 contains everything necessary, ws2_32 adds additional helper functions.
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible.



Welcome Aboard !!!   :U

The forum 'Search' and Google are you programming friends.   :dance:

The example code section of MASM32 is a great place to get code snippets from as well.

Regards,  P1  :8)


Thanks and thanks again! I have been worrying for months about where to get the files and where to find Winsock asm info and tutorials - so difficult it is to find anything anywhere on assembler - and now within a couple of hours I have it all at my fingertips!

And also a huge thanks to those who have set up and who manage this priceless MASM site. One day ASM will come into its own again: the bloat-ware that weighs down our computers today, with applications often running more slowly than ten years ago in spite of a hundred-fold increase in hardware power, will one day I believe be overthrown by lightning fast assembler applications. The public want it, so let's supply it!

No doubt I will be back soon seeking help on networking problems. Until then - thanks again to all!