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Started by Igor, September 25, 2006, 04:30:45 PM

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How can i insert some items from PRODUCTVERSION structure in strings? I need it for aboutbox?

for example:
var_blabla db "I'm a string version: ", PRODUCTVERSION.version, ". Some other info...", 0


hi igor, you dont need to make code for this, just add new statistic and in propertis panel as caption enter what you want  :U



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Use GetFileVersionInfo, if you are interested in specific data for your about box.

But the flip side to this is, it should be know at assembly time as well.

Regards,  P1  :8)


Hi Igor

You could have a look at RadASM's AddinMana sources.
The GetInfo proc extracts some info from the versioninfo.



OK thanks for your replys.

I tried forum search but i could not find anything...

Shantanu Gadgil

To Igor,
Is it working?

I think what trodon is saying is, keep a static contol in the About box and just set it in the code.

This I think can be done by either having a predefined version/build number, etc or by using GetFileVersionInfo on the EXE itself. (I have not checked this, but should work) :)


To ret is human, to jmp divine!


I guess I will have to use GetFileVersionInfo, but it would involve some unnecessary code because what I really need is to join product version string in some other string at assembly time and not at runtime. Why I need this to be done in this way, it's because I have Version Updating turned on in RadASM and I need my aboutbox to reflect version changes automatically.

I don't know what is statistic, did you meant static? If I'm not mistaken you suggested that I should just manually fill in caption of static control, that is not what I need.

Is GetInfo proc something like GetFileVersionInfo that P1 mentioned? I'll try to find AddinMana source and take a look.

I don't have internet at home (where I'm programming in masm) so I can't test right away, things that you suggest. That is way I was so stingy with information in my last post, sorry about that.


I don't know what is statistic, did you meant static? If I'm not mistaken you suggested that I should just manually fill in caption of static control, that is not what I need.

yes, i was meen that, this is easy solution  :wink


An important note.  you will probably not know the size of the buffer you need to create when calling GetFileVersionInfo so use MAX_PATH.  If you specify to small a buffer, GetFileVersionInfo will just truncate the information to fit your buffer and not tell you that there was a problem.

Oh, and GetInfo must be a radasm macro or addin so it probably also calls GetFileVersionInfo, so the same warning applies here also unless Ketilo says differently.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
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Quote from: PBrennick on September 28, 2006, 06:31:03 PM
An important note.  you will probably not know the size of the buffer you need to create when calling GetFileVersionInfo so use MAX_PATH.  If you specify to small a buffer, GetFileVersionInfo will just truncate the information to fit your buffer and not tell you that there was a problem.

Igor, heres portion of code from one of my programs, hope it helps

invoke GetFileVersionInfoSize,addr tmpi.szExePath,addr dwHandle
mov ebx,eax
.if eax
invoke GetMem,ebx
mov edi,eax
invoke GetFileVersionInfo,addr tmpi.szExePath,dwHandle,ebx,edi
mov pLen,ebx
invoke VerQueryValue,edi,T('\VarFileInfo\Translation\'),addr pBuf,addr pLen
invoke strcpy,addr tbuf,T('\StringFileInfo\')
invoke strlen,addr tbuf
mov edx,pBuf
lea eax,tbuf[eax]
mov edx,[edx]
rol edx,16
invoke DwToHex,edx,eax
invoke strcpy,addr tbuf2,addr tbuf
invoke strcat,addr tbuf2,T('\FileDescription\')
invoke VerQueryValue,edi,addr tbuf2,addr pBuf,addr pLen
invoke AddLinef,T('FileDescription: %s'),pBuf
invoke strcpy,addr tbuf2,addr tbuf
invoke strcat,addr tbuf2,T('\FileVersion\')
invoke VerQueryValue,edi,addr tbuf2,addr pBuf,addr pLen
invoke AddLinef,T('FileVersion: %s'),pBuf
invoke strcpy,addr tbuf2,addr tbuf
invoke strcat,addr tbuf2,T('\LegalCopyright\')
invoke VerQueryValue,edi,addr tbuf2,addr pBuf,addr pLen
invoke AddLinef,T('LegalCopyright: %s'),pBuf
invoke FreeMem,edi

The truth cannot be learned ... it can only be recognized.


Quote from: drizz on September 28, 2006, 10:27:43 PMIgor, heres portion of code from one of my programs, hope it helps
drizz, please help him with letting him know which support files to include.  Plus the T macro with AddLinef too.

Regards,  P1  :8)


He will also need the data specifications for plen, tbuf, pbuf and tbuf2.  I think I got them all.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


of course. i wrapped it up in this project, no dependencies.

[attachment deleted by admin]
The truth cannot be learned ... it can only be recognized.


You did not include the RES folder in your zip so verinfdlg.res is missing.

The GeneSys Project is available from:
The Repository or My crappy website


Quote from: PBrennick on September 29, 2006, 02:36:43 PM
You did not include the RES folder in your zip so verinfdlg.res is missing.

Hi Paul, are you 100% certain? i've downl. it again, made separate radasm config. on my drive E:
to recheck the project and it builds ok..., and all is fine. ::)

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