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filling gaps

Started by raneti, September 11, 2006, 05:41:52 PM

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I have this problem when drawing rectangles; when i resize the window gaps appear between the rectangles.

assemble and slowly resize the window and you'll see the gaps
i'm sure i saw somewhere how to fix this but don't remember where

[attachment deleted by admin]


Hi raneti,

Welcome on board. I downloaded and built the app and while it flickers like mad on resize, I cannot duplicate the effect, the line thickness between some of the rectangles varies a bit but I cannot get any spaces. Clicking in each square alternately displays a diagonal cross done the the MoveToEx(), LineTo() functions.

Change this line,

mov wc.hbrBackground, COLOR_WINDOW+1


mov wc.hbrBackground, NULL

and this will fix the flicker problem.

The slight variation with the rectangle location may be an effect of tolerance from the FP calculations.
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with COLOR+1

with NULL

with NULL less gaps appear, border changes from 1 pixel to 2 and back as usual.

This C code(attached) does the same with no gaps.
The only difference is

wndclass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) GetStockObject (WHITE_BRUSH) ;

and perhaps consistency in the way it treats fractional numbers(perhaps my code rounds while C truncs?)

[attachment deleted by admin]


This is the solution, courtesy of arafel:
; child windows 1..4

mov temp2, 4
fld1 ; 1
fild temp2 ; 4, 1
fdivp ST(1), ST(0) ; 1/4
fild cxClient ; cxClient, (1/4)
fmulp ST(1), ST(0) ; cxClient * (1/4)
fistp temp2 ; temp2 = ST(0), FPU stack balanced

mov temp3, 7
fld1 ; 1
fild temp3 ; 7, 1
fdivp ST(1), ST(0) ; 1/7
fild cyClient ; cxClient, (1/7)
fmulp ST(1), ST(0) ; cxClient * (1/7)
fistp temp3 ; temp3 = ST(0), FPU stack balanced

mov ecx, 4
push esi
xor esi, esi
push edi
xor edi, edi

           mov  eax, temp2
           imul eax, edi
           mov  temp1, eax

           cmp  edi, 3       ; in case when window's width doesn't divide equally - set last child's width manually.
           jne  @f
           mov  eax, [cxClient]
           sub  eax, temp1
           mov  temp2, eax
   push ecx
   invoke MoveWindow, [ChildHandlesArray+esi], temp1, 0, temp2, temp3, TRUE
   inc edi
   add esi, 4
   pop ecx
   loop label2

mov eax, temp2
mov temp4, eax ; cxClient * (1/4)

Alltough i don't understand the "why and how"yet, it works.


EDIT: DELETED: I finally got it.