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help using PTR with indirect operands

Started by jonwondering, September 03, 2006, 04:41:52 AM

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hey guys. newbie question. i am a little confused on when to use PTR when using dereference. i am reading Kip Irvine's book on assembly and he says use it to tell the compiler what type of variable i am using, so instead of something like this:

cmp [ebx], 0
i should use: cmp WORD PTR [ebx], 0

when do i use the PTR? in some examples he uses dereferencing without PTR. how does the compiler know what type of variable it is, and how will i know where to put this PTR? thanks.

Shantanu Gadgil

Unless specfied, and to be on the safe side, use the "type specifier" when comparing with direct values.

"direct value" means "non-register" data, either some value like 0, 1, etc or some variable.

The reason is, that it may happen that by default the "cmp [ebx], 0" will take the "default sized" data type at location value of ebx and compare it with 0.
So for a 32bit system, it would use the 32bit value at location of ebx.

As you have mentioned in your code, you are interested in the WORD at location of ebx.  :bg

Another thing, you should not worry (if you are using a proper assembler, of course) if you are comparing a "pointer" location and a register.
So, a "cmp [ebx], cx" should be same as "cmp WORD PTR [ebx], cx" :bg :bg

I say "to be on the safe side" in case of variables, because if you have two "WORD" variables next to each other, like so
var1 word 5
var2 word 2

and you compare like so, "cmp [ebx], var1", you should know how the assembler does the instruction translation, as in, would "var1" get translated only as an address or a proper "WORD PTR" because var1's datatype is WORD!

So, for now, go with "<DATATYPE> PTR" for variables and directvalues!!!  :bg

Hope that helps,
To ret is human, to jmp divine!


it does help SHantanu. thanks for clearing that up!